Sound the Alarm

But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love: and for an helmet, the hope of salvation. —1 Thessalonians 5:8

The main thing to keep before the people is the near coming of Jesus. We are not to set the day—God forbid. But the saints will know as the day draws nigh. We can tell by the signs that it is near. God expects you to preach as one having authority. This is a generation that will go up without dying. Christ looked down the age to our day and saw the whole world in unbelief, men fainting, and their hearts failing them for fear of the things that were coming upon the earth. Daniel prophesied and said the wicked should grow worse and worse, and none of the wicked should understand, but the wise shall understand.

Then the Lord gave Daniel another picture. He saw on the land and on the sea, here and there, messengers blowing trumpets, hailing each other as they passed along. For years, whenever I meet a child of God, my greeting has been, “Watchman, what of the night?” From those who have much of the Spirit of God, the answer comes, “the morning cometh.” But the night is here, too. We have to preach that.

We know the darkness of hell is spreading over this earth, and it will soon be a fearful scene, a regular deluge of blood. We have to sound the alarm and give the message that the King is coming. Some will be accounted worthy to escape all these things and stand before the Son of Man.

Lord, help me to sound the alarm of Your coming that
others may be eager to hear of Your salvation. Amen.

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