Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Richmond IHOP Director: Why We Sing to the Lord

The human voice is miraculous. Most give no thought to this when their voice is being used in daily communication, but let’s consider the craftsmanship. The voice consists of two bands of elastic muscle tissue located side by side in the larynx (voice box) just above the trachea (windpipe).

During an exhale, air from the lungs is forced through these bands of muscle. Sound, pitch and tone are released as the vocal cords vibrate with varying degrees of speed. This magnificent design is connected to the mind, will and emotions, and created to be governed by the spirit. The voice was the first and most uniquely powerful musical instrument created. It was created by God Himself.

Also, consider the foundations of our faith centered around the Word of God: the voice of God. Our very existence, redemption, salvation, transformation, sanctification and ability to live and move and have our being are directly derived from the Word of God, the voice of God (John 1:1-5; Heb. 1:3; 2 Cor. 3:18). The very earth and all of creation were brought into existence and are being upheld by the word of His power.

In the creation account, the Spirit of God is moving and hovering over the surface of the deep. The same Hebrew word, racaph, used for “hovering” or “moving” is found in Deut. 32:11.

Here it describes a mother eagle caring for and bringing forth its young into life and upholding them in flight. As God is brooding over the earth to bring forth life like this mother eagle, His voice breaks into the formless void. At the sound of His voice, the glorious light of His being pierces the darkness, and there is singing. That’s right—singing.

The book of Revelation teaches us that the atmosphere surrounding God’s throne is filled with song. This same atmosphere is infused into the very fabric of the universe. God Himself reveals to Job that as the measurements of the earth were set and the foundations were laid, the morning stars were singing (Job 38:4-7). Our Creator God is a joyful, singing, dancing God (Zeph. 3:17). Why do we sing? Because we bear His image on the earth.

We are divinely designed as living, breathing, musical instruments. We have been created for communion, intimacy and fellowship with God. Out of this intimacy, we respond to Him in worship. We commune with and partner with Him in prayer. We proclaim His worth and the power of the gospel. We have been made to pray, preach and sing! Singing is not just for the professional or stage personality. We are all designed to sing.

Although God’s throne room is filled with unceasing worship, there is a type of song that only we can sing. The angels cannot release this song. As we sing this “song of the redeemed,” angels, elders and the four living creatures are moved to fall before God and offer their “amen” to the sound of our voices. Heaven explodes with an antiphonal response (Rev. 7:9-12; 15:2-4). The same Spirit of God that was brooding over the formless void at creation lives in us. He is producing fruit and life from our songs, hymns and spiritual songs (Eph.5:18). Spiritual songs means songs of the pneuma. This can be translated as “songs of the breath of God.” As His Word takes root in our hearts and in the lives of the spiritual family being built together, the outflow is life-giving song. We as living stones are being built together for a dwelling place of God’s presence. We are meant to host His presence, and He abides in the midst of our worship.

The Bible has a large list of things that happen when we sing: life, healing, deliverance, God fighting on our behalf, breakthrough in the spiritual atmosphere, angels moved to action and demons removed, transformation and edification, prophecy, and the list goes on.

However, probably the most beautiful reason for our voices to be freed to sing as designed is that it moves the heart of God. He desires and delights to hear us (Song 2:10-14). The bridegroom, king and judge is moved with zeal as His beloved sings (Ps. 45; Isa. 30:32, 42:10). He commands us to sing. His beauty and worth demands that we sing. We must sing if we are to fully function in who are created to be. Today, heaven and creation are listening for your song.

Listen to the MAPS Global podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network. {eoa}

Kim Hager is the director of the Richmond, Virginia, International House of Prayer and a member of the MAPS Global Leadership Team.

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