Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophetic Word: God Is Calling Forth the Lazarus Generation

My husband, Todd Smith, and I, along with our Fresh Fire Apostolic Ministries’ team, were in a time of fasting, prayer and seeking the face and heart of God for direction going forward for the ministry. During the fast, as we submitted to prayer, praise and worship, soaking ourselves in the Word, we also spent time reading and studying some of the writings of well-known men and women of God. I considered these about generals of old who the Lord had used in extraordinary ministries. If you read about the likes of the ministries of Derek Prince, Kenneth Hagin, Smith Wigglesworth, Kathryn Kuhlman … they all had extraordinary ministries, but it absolutely did not come without a great price—a great sacrifice of life, of money, energy and time. I was wondering why most of those who are called to be a voice for the Lord today in this end time dispensation and have ministries flowing in tangible miracles, signs and wonders have been through so much adversity throughout their lives.

As I was seeking the Lord on this, I heard the Holy Spirit say, “They are My Lazarus generation.” The Lord further began to say, “These are men and women on the front lines whom I have loosed from a death sentence and have chosen as My end-times warriors, and I am removing their grave clothes and reviving their works.”

The Lord says, “Lazarus come forth, as I am calling out to the Lazarus generation. I am calling those who have tasted death, and I am loosing them from their grave clothes as I speak to the death sentence and say ‘loose them and let them go.’ I will remove and discard their filthy rags and garments and purify them in garments of white. I am giving them a second chance in life, and they will lead multitudes into victory.

“They are the men and women who know what it is like to be at death’s door; therefore, they are fearless vessels unto Me. They are strong and very courageous, and they are tenacious and ferocious in warfare because they know their enemy. They are steadfast and unshakable in their faith and will not become fatigued or wearied by the pressures of life and the battles they endure.

“They will not be moved by a bad report, and they will not be affected by what they hear because they live by a higher standard. They will not be caught off guard because they are clothed in My full armor at all times and have girded up their loins for battle. I have chosen those who have no fear of death because they know their destination; therefore, they go forth in boldness and determination. I have chosen those who are focused and understand their assignment and stand with My resilient steadfast faith. Those who were delivered and those who were outcasts will be leaders in this end-times army.

“Many have been attacked with terminal diseases, and many have been healed of debilitating illnesses, and My hand has touched them to full recovery. This sickness is not unto death, but that the glory of the Son of God may be glorified. I am positioning them as forerunners with strong discernment to rescue those who have come from the darkest places and the pits of hell.

“Those who have been delivered from dysfunctional lives and have been rejected will also be used to release those who are bound and hopeless from the very ailments that they once suffered by the hand of the enemy. They know what it is like to be the no-name, the underdog, and they will have a heart to minister to the same with compassion and love.

“These men and women will not submit to religious traditions or the latest fad but will understand what it is to be in a covenant relationship with Me because they have My seal of approval written in the core of their being. They have learned to interpret My encrypted word and the mysteries that I have placed in their hearts. They will have a revelation of understanding that surpasses their natural thinking, and I will equip those with all they need to complete their mission and establish My kingdom upon the earth. I have put My words in their mouths and attuned their ears to My voice, so they will always recognize their next divine assignment.

“I will use those who were left to die as I pour My glory into them to deliver others from the very thing that they have been set free from. Did I not say that if you would believe, you would see the glory of God? For I am the resurrection and the life, and I will fulfill My plans for your life,” says the Lord.

Joshua 1:9 (NKJV) says, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

John 11:43-44 says, “Now when He had said these things, He cried with a loud voice, ‘Lazarus, come forth!’ And he who had died came out bound hand and foot with grave clothes, and his face was wrapped with a cloth. Jesus said to them, ‘Loose him, and let him go.'”

Listen to Fresh Fire Podcast with Todd and Sandra Benaglia Smith on the Charisma Podcast Network to increase your faith through powerful anointed kingdom teachings, revelation, testimonies, declarations and prayers. {eoa}

Sandra Benaglia Smith, who carries the mantle of apostle and prophet, is the author of Reflections of a Conqueror, published by Amazon and Lulu Publishing, and loves to design her own Christian apparel, which can be found at her brand-new online store at Previously featured on Arise Christian Radio, Yes TV, Charisma magazine and many other global platforms, Sandra hosts the Fresh Fire podcast on Charisma Podcast Network with her husband, Todd Smith.

The couple are founders of Fresh Fire Apostolic Ministries, which brings revival fire to local communities, regions and the nations, and they pastor Fresh Fire Church. With a heart to see the captives set free, healed and delivered—especially women, children and the broken—Sandra desires to see believers understand their kingdom authority and position and to use their spiritual gifts to impact their areas of influence for the kingdom of God.

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