Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Prophecy: God Is Looking for Partners to Release the Impossible

At the end of 2020, the Lord spoke to me saying, “There is a vastness of possibilities being released in 2021.”

1 Corinthians 2:9-10 reads: But as it is written, ‘Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.’ But God has revealed them to us by His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.”

God is looking for partners through whom He can release the impossible.

He is calling us to be focused and intentional.

Here are 5 ways to maximize your partnership and release the endless possibilities that God has for you.

  1. Evict limiting beliefs. You have learned and accepted your beliefs as truth. However, some of these beliefs do not align with the Word of God. These beliefs are limiting you. These limiting beliefs keep you from walking in the fullness God has ordained.

You can identify and rid yourself of these limiting beliefs by following these steps.

— Ask the Lord to reveal any lie(s) that you are believing.

— When the Lord reveals a lie or lies to you, write them down.

— Renounce the lie.

— Ask the Lord for His truth in exchange for the lie.

— Write down what the Lord gives you in exchange.

— Activate the truth(s) by declaring them each day.

  1. Recognize the gestation time. We have been in a time of gestation, meaning God has seeded you with new ideas that have been growing unnoticed or unaware. The previous year was for nurturing these hidden things.

Now it is time for the hidden to be birthed, to come out into the open.

The Lord showed me three things coming: inventions, new operational processes for businesses that will be adopted as the standard and an expanded understanding of His plans.

  1. Choose the voice of significance. We will find our insignificant chatter being exchanged for a voice of significance. Our words will bring life, as they are change-makers for the kingdom.

The words that will be released will carry an external significance for those who hear them. We carry the ability, Christ in us, to discern, to decipher, to judge, to declare and to hear His plan for each situation.

  1. Live an interior life in His presence. Our life is an interior life with God that yields an exterior life in the world. Learning how to turn inward and tap into the Spirit is the key to seeing the impossible become possible.

We have to become fine-tuned believers who rely on the presence of the Spirit, believes in the Word and becomes strengthened by the community of believers. We will miss endless possibilities if we are not connected to Him in a deep way.

  1. Superimpose Jesus on every situation. Our natural brain has a logical path that it follows. When we receive a revelation from God, our mind tries to fit it into our natural perspective. When it doesn’t fit, we tend to want to dismiss the revelation as our own thought.

God wants to break open and restructure the path to enlarge our ability to receive.

God wants to advance the way we think, so we can receive a greater revelation. God is making new pathways for our thoughts to accommodate His. When He can accomplish this, we can accomplish things we never thought possible.

He is teaching us to superimpose or lay Jesus over every situation we face. Superimposing Jesus on our situations allows us to see them the way he does and to receive His solution for each situation.

Our next steps are to hear, respond and declare what Jesus is revealing to us. Do not be discouraged by the past, but be encouraged for the future.

Declare with me:

  1. I exchange my limiting beliefs for the truth of God.
  2. I am in a birthing season where hidden things are revealed.
  3. I speak with a voice of significance.
  4. I am building my interior life with Christ.
  5. I superimpose Jesus’s perspective on every situation.

Tune into this episode of the Cindy Stewart Podcast, titled Vastness of Possibilities, on the Charisma Podcast Network. {eoa}

Cindy Stewart has a passion for people and helping them connect to their life purposes, discover their passions and live their dreams. Cindy’s latest class, Compelled to Change, brings clarity to your purpose while unlocking a vision of what is possible in the natural and the supernatural. She is an itinerant speaker, an executive coach and hosts a weekly podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network. Along with her husband, Chuck, they lead The Gathering Apostolic Center and WebChurch in Tarpon Springs, Florida.

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