Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Pioneers, Don’t Stop Digging Your Wells

Keep digging those wells. You'll hit paydirt soon.

Over the last few days, I have been feeling a stirring in God’s heart to encourage the forerunners in the nations. I keep hearing, “Keep digging your wells! Don’t stop! Don’t stop!”

When a partner church in Arkansas sent me a word about “digging hard ground,” I got excited as the Lord was confirming this theme to lift up His ones called to walk out the unseen blueprints from His heart.

The next day, the Lord led me to find a news article about a man from a drought-stricken province in India whose wife from a lower caste had been banned from drawing from the village’s main well. He spent 40 days digging through hard ground and rock, until on the 40th day he hit an underground stream with purer water than that of the main village well. This new well became a supply then for all castes, including the people that had banned his wife.

Did you know that what God has been doing in you is exactly like that?

Many of you feel like that man digging and digging through the hardest ground with no end in sight, ridiculed for your willingness to do what God said above the popular voice of the crowd. It was no coincidence that this man had been digging for 40 days; like Noah and the ark waiting for the rain to stop, or like a mother waiting 40 weeks for her baby to be born, maybe you too have been lost in the waiting. Let me assure you that the trickle you see today will one day be a river for the multitudes, even those who didn’t understand you! Keep digging!

Transporters of Revival Rain

A few days after the Azusa Now event in Los Angeles, we drove up to see friends in Redding, and I was drawn to the aqueduct that stretches down from the north down through most of the state, transporting water from the mountain area catchments and taking it to areas that receive far less rainfall.

During worship on one of the nights at Bethel, I saw the aqueducts again in a vision, and the Lord showed me that He is releasing pioneers into the Earth who have been in waiting, who have been storing up revival rain and have an assignment to export the Kingdom into places that are in drought.

You are that pioneer that has been in waiting; God is moving your feet, placing an assignment and geographical location on your heart, and you will be like a tap of His glory, dispensing the fresh word of the Lord that will be like a breaker over cities and regions that have been under strongholds.

The Straightened Arrows of Justice

Last week I had a dream where I saw an arrow that was being sharpened until the point was very sharp. Then I saw the arrow being placed into a machine and the bowed shaft was being straightened.

I noticed that on the side of the arrow was written Isaiah 42. I then saw many of these arrows being lit on fire and fired into the nations, and when they hit the ground, fire would spread and consume everything in its path.

“Here is My servant, whom I uphold, My chosen one, in whom My soul delights. I have put My Spirit upon him; he shall bring forth justice to the nations. He shall not cry out, nor lift up his voice, nor cause his voice to be heard in the street. A bruised reed he shall not break, and the smoking flax he shall not quench; he shall bring forth justice faithfully. He shall not be disheartened nor be discouraged, until he has set justice in the earth; and the coastlands shall wait for his law” (Is. 42:1-4).

When I woke up, the Lord began to speak to me about what He is doing in the hearts of forerunners that are positioned to be administers of justice in the Earth. These pioneers are the Lord’s arrows to restore health and “align” the body of Christ back to His heart.

These pioneers have been in a unique process of being sharpened and straightened in the last few years, but this year especially God has been quickening the preparation process to fire you into the assigned location He has called you to.

Creative Pioneers

When I was in a time of worship earlier in the year, the Lord said to me, “Don’t sing Me a clever song; sing an honest song,” and I was undone by this statement. He began to show me He is birthing authenticity in creativity in the body of Christ that would be like a revolution to the arts that would draw the world to Jesus in droves.

This explosion of new expressions and themes from God’s heart would be pivotal for what God was doing culturally to draw the creative people already in church out of their passionless rut and, equally, the anointed creatives in the world who are misdirected.

There are songs being released right now that will be the soundtrack to the outpouring we are entering. There are books that will take the readers on the journey of radical transformation, paintings that will express the activity of heaven and be invitations for encounters, dancing routines that will be intercession to break hopelessness and defeat.

It’s time to keep pressing in to heaven for what He is releasing in this hour. May we be catchers, nets for the love letters this world is craving.

Pioneers, be encouraged: You are in position for your promise! {eoa} 

Nate Johnston is a revivalist and worshipper who has a heart to see sons and daughters unleashed into passionate friendship with God and an effective supernatural lifestyle. Through his ministry, Everyday Revivalists, he teaches on intimacy and hearing God’s voice, which was birthed from a hunger for an authentic, real and powerful relationship with Jesus.

Please visit Nate’s website at

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