Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Miracles Reported as Revival Takes Root in ‘Upper Room’ State

In the commonwealth of Kentucky, the desperate cries of this generation are igniting a revival that could change the face of this country. 

From out of the cornfields of one of the poorest areas in the country, men and women are experiencing miracles and the fresh presence of the Lord. 

“People are running to the altar and there’s a groan of revival,” Ryan LeStrange says. LeStrange is an apostolic minister, co-founder of awakeningtv.com and senior leader of New Breed Revival Network. “Repentance and weeping are breaking out. … There’s a real intense kind of intercession for the state, and Kentucky is the upper room state.” 

People from neighboring states are pouring into the cornfields of Kentucky to see deaf ears healed and the lame walk, LeStrange says. The key to letting the revival spread is embracing the supernatural. 

To describe what’s happening, LeStrange recalls a vision he had in which the borders of Kentucky were on fire: 

“I watched as fire moved from the borders into the heart of state,” he says. “The fire was going in and out, pulsating like the beating of the heart … (It’s) the ignition of many fires that are ultimately going to set the heart of the state on fire.” 

LeStrange isn’t the only one seeing the prophetic significance of Kentucky … or the flames. 

Renowned prophetess Cindy Jacobs released the following word over the state: “The Lord would say … ‘I am moving you into a new season where you are going to start seeing flames.’

“I am literally seeing this vision of these small camp fires. They are small camp fires all over the state. …  The Lord says there are roots that are becoming shoots in the state of Kentucky that are going to grow to oak trees … that are going to help preserve this nation in surprising ways. You will see some good news come in some ways that people will say, ‘What state is this? … Oh, it’s that state of Kentucky.’ 

“The Lord says, ‘I have got it in the works and I’m going to do it. I am going to bring the great revivalist out of this state once again. Great revivalists … My burning ones are going to come out of Kentucky. They are going to be used to set this nation aflame once more.'” 

But to understand where Kentucky is going, one must first understand its history, says Rick Curry. Curry is the senior pastor of King’s Way Church in Pensacola, Florida, and chairman of the board of The Sentinel Group, which documents transforming revival in the nations.

Many of these areas where the Lord is moving are old coal-mining towns that have been nearly destroyed from economic downfalls. 

Coal mining was the heartbeat of the land. Even though young boys would watch their fathers die from mining-related illnesses, they would still carry on in the mines, putting tradition and history first.  

When the industry went under, these families not only lost their incomes, but their identities.  

“I think there is really a great measure of desperation particularly in Eastern Kentucky, in the mountains, an increased desperation in those areas by and large because of loss of jobs in coal mines,” Curry says. “This desperation is drawing hearts of people to return to the Lord, and it’s reflected in the revivals that are happening.”   

What’s driving the Kentucky revival is the synergy of the generations, Curry says.  

“There’s a cry for the heart of the Father to manifest His holiness, His goodness, His mercy, His grace that indeed we might see a harvest reaped as never before.” 

So how appropriate, how prophetic, that this new harvest is beginning in the cornfields of Kentucky. 

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