Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Mario Murillo Says People of California Are Ready to See God Move

Sunday at the Super Bowl, the eyes and ears of the whole world were on California. The halftime show was unintelligible. It is probably merciful that most of those who endured it could not understand one word they said.

The commercials were uncreative, which is shocking when you consider the available technology and the vast pool of talent. The messages tried to find a hook with which to grab your emotions, but they possessed no redeeming quality.

Dolly Parton opened her commercial as if she was starting a spiritual movement. Turned out, she was peddling phones.

It is clear that California media and technology have the power to make humanity sit up and listen.

The problem is that California has absolutely nothing to say and no answers for a hurting world.

Lots of glitz, but no substance. Untold power, but none of it for good. Why? Because the California elite has declared war on God. It is a godless state with great power, but only power for evil. For everyone’s sake, something desperately needs to happen in California.

Here it is.

I received the following note, “Mario, I’m flying out from Missouri on a mission to get my homeless son in Visalia and get him to the Tent. Believing for a radical encounter, deliverance from bondage of addictions. God has commissioned me to do this. Can’t wait!! Prodigal son coming home!”

There are thousands of other stories like this. People are on a pilgrimage to Hanford, and they are bringing loved ones to be saved, delivered and healed. Emails, letters and phone messages are filled with declarations: “I am going to get my miracle!” “My loved one is going to be saved!” “I am a pastor and I am coming to get the fire and glory of God to take back to my congregation!”

Can you imagine the sobering weight on my heart for this crusade, which is just a few days away? Something is happening here that is far beyond me. Mario Murillo is not the focus. These people are coming with their eyes fixed on Christ. Meanwhile, outside the Tent, there is misery.

A deep and inexpressible desperation is crushing millions in California. The Bible says in Matthew 9:36-38 (NKJV), “But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, ‘The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore, pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.'”

Did you ever consider how helpless sheep are, out alone in the wilderness? It is a pitiful and terrifying picture. The animal soon just sits down in hopeless resignation to accept its fate.

That is the atmosphere in California. Not what you see on television. Not the coddled and protected billionaires, movie stars and celebrities. No, it’s everyday people who have had everything taken from them by a Leftist regime. The pandemic was an excuse to steal their future. Their neighborhoods are ravaged by violence and decadence. They are the sheep in the wilderness who are just accepting their fate and the fate of their children.

Our workers are dispersed over several square miles around the Tent. They are wading into the gangland killing fields; the homeless camps; and they are reaching out to regular people who open their doors to receive food, clothing and a message of hope! But there is something more.

Satan’s big mistake was to make the people of the State of California miserable. Now they are open to Christ and no longer spurn the gospel. Our team has never seen such a wide-open field. But there is something greater still.

The power of people bringing people.

I am hearing stories of great sacrifices that people are making to bring the sick to the Tent. I now realize that long before they even get to the Tent, they are exercising faith. Miracle faith.

Miracle faith in action: Mark 2:3-5, “Then they came to Him, bringing a paralytic who was carried by four men. And when they could not come near Him because of the crowd, they uncovered the roof where He was. So, when they had broken through, they let down the bed on which the paralytic was lying. When Jesus saw their faith, (emphasis mine) He said to the paralytic, ‘Son, your sins are forgiven you.'”

Christ saw the roof coming off and called their actions faith! I can’t count the number of times that great healings in our Tent were connected to stories of groups of people who went to great lengths to get someone into the Tent.

That is what I am saying right now! Please bring the sick to be healed. Do not let the enemy convince you that it is “just too hard.” Let faith dictate your actions!

Believing Jesus is there in person.

Mark 6:54-56, “And when they came out of the boat, immediately the people recognized Him, ran through that whole surrounding region, and began to carry about on beds those who were sick to wherever they heard He was (emphasis mine). Wherever He entered, into villages, cities, or the country, they laid the sick in the marketplaces, and begged Him that they might just touch the hem of His garment. And as many as touched Him were made well.”

The people who are bringing the sick believe that Jesus will be in the Tent. Let that sink in!

Verse 56 shows us that there was a virtual hurricane of healing, and thousands were miraculously set free from their illnesses over a wide area. But the secret was their expectation. They knew that if they could only get their loved ones to Jesus, they would be healed.

That is the deepest cry of my heart. Bring them to the Tent, knowing that the One who heals sickness, the One who breaks the power of drugs and delivers from every sin, is there. Not only is He there, He is waiting to grant miracles.

Everyone who reads this must realize what a miracle in California will mean to all of us.

And every individual who reads this can do something! Bring someone. Reach out to those who are lost. You will find an openness. If you are not from California, but you know people who live in this region, get a hold of them and compel them to come to the Tent.

If there is no way for you to come to this great outreach—if you do not know anyone here—there is still something great that you can do. Pray the Lord of the harvest to send workers. Pray for our workers to find the lost and sick, and bring them into the Tent. Pray for miracles to break out each night. And pray for my wife and me to have a powerful anointing for this amazing event.

Just as evil Haman built gallows to hang righteous Mordecai, it was Haman who ended up being hung on his own gallows. In the same way, it is through California that God is going to reverse the curse that Satan meant for America.

We are in this together. The door to revival has blasted open here. Let us rush in and, through prayer and action, seize this great opportunity for miracles! {eoa}

Mario Murillo rose from poverty in the Mission District of San Francisco. After being revolutionized by Christ, he felt a call to the University of California at Berkeley, where he shared his faith and saw healings result from his preaching. His international ministry was launched after a four-day conference in San Jose, California, extended for six months with a total attendance of nearly 250,000 people. Since then, his voice has been heard by millions around the world, bringing a message that zeroes in on the hurts of society. He presents Christ clearly and intelligently, openly declaring the power of Jesus to totally transform a life.

For the original article, visit

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