Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

It’s Time to Raise Up the Next Generation of Intercessors

God is igniting the prayer movement around the world, calling His church to greater levels of consecration in intercession and travail. It is no surprise that the enemy of our souls would fight back, seeking to sideline us with discouragement and passivity. But we must not be those who faint or fall back in the fight. We must press on toward the call of God for our lives—to know Christ and to partner with releasing His will on the earth. His will, ultimately, is that all people would be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth (see 1 Tim. 2:4).

I believe we will have that kind of revival—which is what Kenneth E. Hagin and others have prophesied. This revival will be even greater than the outpouring of the early church, where 3,00 people were saved in one day, and signs, wonders and healing miracles were common. I believe all this and more will happen in the days ahead as we partner with God’s will and release it on earth through our prayers.

To this end, it is time for the fathers and mothers, those of us who are seasoned in prayer, to enter the secret place of prayer in earnest. I believe it is our responsibility to birth this prayer movement that God desires to manifest. I say birth it, because I believe we are catalysts in the Spirit, and our prayers will cause the younger generations to arise in intercession. God is calling us to teach them how to weep and groan in prayer (see Jer. 9:20), how to persist until they see the breakthrough.

Technology has made so much of our lives move faster. We have been conditioned to want things fast—even instant. This is especially true for the younger generations who have grown up with this technology. But intercession isn’t instant, just as childbirth isn’t instant. We need to travail and labor until the breakthrough comes. This is something we must teach the next generation of intercessors. If they lack the patience to watch a two-minute video, how will they have the patience to intercede for two hours to birth something? The answer is: They will learn if we teach them how to war in the prayer closet.

Intercession is, in my opinion, the greatest ministry. It is the ministry of the secret place where no one sees what we do but our Father, “who sees what is done in secret, [and] will reward you” (Matt. 6:6, NIV). Training the next generation to pray is training them for the greatest mission and ministry. It is training them to partner with heaven and release the will of God on earth. When we all—young and old—join together in prayer, crying out with the birth pangs of intercession, “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Matt. 6:10, NIV), the rivers of revival will cover the earth.

For more on how you can raise up the next generation of intercessors, listen to The Purpose Project on the Charisma Podcast Network. {eoa}

For more teachings and content from Margie Fleurant on prayer and intercession, follow her on Facebook and Instagram @MargieFleurantMinistries. Listen to Margie’s podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network here. Follow Margie on YouTube for video content including prayer calls, teaching and events. Check out Margie’s books and other audio content at

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