End-Time Exhortations

1 Peter 4:7-5:14 As Peter wrote this letter he had a sense of urgency. He felt the Lord’s return was imminent, and he wanted his fellow believers to be ready for His return. He says, “But the end of all things is at hand: therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers” (1 Pet. 4:7). It is interesting that his End-Time exhortations were exactly what Jesus told us to do as the day of His return drew near. He told us to watch and pray. None of us know the exact time of the Lord’s return, but we all need to be ready. Each of us will have our appointed day to die, and Peter’s day came shortly after he wrote this letter. We should all, however, live every day of our lives as if it might be our last day on earth.

In this passage Peter mentions many End-Time exhortations that would be beneficial to each of us if we fulfilled them.

1. Be sober.

2. Be watchful.

3. Be prayerful.

4. Be loving.

5. Be cheerful, not grudging.

7. Be good stewards.

8. Be bold to speak often about the Lord.

9. Be operating in your God-given gifts and abilities.

10. Glorify God in all things.

If we are careful to do the things listed above, we will be ready for the Lord’s return, and our lives will produce much fruit for God.

Lord, I want to fulfill these exhortations, but I know I need the help of Your Holy Spirit to do it. Help me daily to glorify You in word and deed.

READ: Daniel 2:24-3:30; 1 Peter 4:7-5:14; Psalm 119:81-95; Proverbs 28:15-16

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