Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Curt Landry: God Is Anointing a Remnant in This Season

What was conceived in the spirit nine months ago is about to be birthed. The Lord is bringing an anointing, pouring oil upon the heads of a remnant. He is equipping and empowering them in this end-time revival to:

— Illuminate His glory, righteousness and holiness throughout the world.

— Keep the charge of His sanctuary and minister to them.

— Teach the difference between the holy and the profane.

— Discern between the clean and the unclean.

— Walk in the revelation of the Holy Spirit.

He is raising up a personal priesthood and releasing a Zadok anointing upon a remnant in this season. This anointing will be part of an end-time revival.

But what does that mean?

What Is the Key to the End-Time Revival?

The key to the end-time revival is to understand Malachi 4:4-6 (NKJV):

“Remember the Law of Moses, My servant, which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments. Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.”

The Lord is restoring the hearts of the fathers to the sons and the hearts of the sons to the fathers. He’s bringing together generations so that the legacy of authority and dominion will be passed down.

Before the coming great day of the Lord, He’s going to send the spirit of Elijah. This is being stirred up in the spirit right now.

He is sending His holy fire to purify the remnant.

What Is the Remnant up Against in the End-Time Revival?

The antichrist spirit in our culture today is very strong and oppressive. Those with the Zadok anointing are being strengthened with authority by the power of God to uphold His standard with justice, even when principalities, rulers and powers of darkness in high places are throwing arrows and accusations.

Remember Isaiah 54:17:

“‘No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is from Me,’ Says the Lord.”

The spiritual atmosphere is stirring as I’ve never seen before. I encourage you to fast and pray with us, to be prepared to encounter the Holy of Holies. If you are called to be a Zadok priest, this summer is a time to prepare for the priesthood side of your life to grow.

The Lord will give you courage, resolve, endurance and holiness so that you are ready for a revival. He is separating you so that you will remain loyal to your King and submit only to the Spirit of truth.

A Newfound Hunger and End-Time Revival

There’s a newfound hunger in many. The soil is soft, and the harvest is ripe. The wheat and the tares are coming into maturity, and they are identifiable.

The Lord continues to confirm that now is the moment. Many are maturing, and the dividing lines are disappearing.

There is a new move of the Spirit and a new hunger in the hearts and souls of the remnant. They will not comprise the standards God has set for their nations, communities, families and personal life.

Receive the outpouring of revival. Are you ready?

Listen to this episode of Ancient Principles, Kingdom Authority with Curt Landry on Charisma Podcast Network, What Is the Key to End-Time Revival? now.{eoa}

Curt Landry, founder of Curt Landry Ministries, and his wife, Christie, travel extensively, preaching and teaching about the Jewish roots of the Christian faith. Together, their passion is to empower families to live and leave kingdom legacies and understand their own personal heritage.

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