Charisma Highlights: President Mark Walker Explains Revival at Lee University

Following are snippets of the top stories posted over the past week on We encourage you to visit the links to read the stories in full.

President Mark Walker Explains Revival at Lee University 

It’s amazing what is beginning to happen on our college campuses. With the Asbury University Revival more than a week in, other pockets of revival are beginning to break out around America, which is extremely encouraging for a country in desperate need of God.

There is another one that is beginning to take hold at Lee University—a private, Christian university in Cleveland, Tennessee—and it looks as if the Holy Spirit is moving mightily among the students and faculty there. I had the privilege or recently talking to Lee University’s president, Mark Walker, who says this move of God began Monday morning as an organic, spontaneous prayer vigil by a handful of students.

This all reminds me of the early days of Pentecost. There was a day when the Lord would move in a church and people would stay at the altars, usually after a Sunday night service, and pray through. Does anyone remember that expression? We don’t see that much anymore.

Dutch Sheets: This Is Just the Beginning

For 20 years God has been speaking to Dutch Sheets about revival breaking out on college campuses. We sat down and talked with him about what has happened at Asbury university and the early beginnings of a possible Third Great Awakening.

“What is happening at Asbury is just another sign,” he says. Dutch isn’t fazed that the revival is ending at Hughes Auditorium.

He believes the outpouring experienced there is part of the bigger picture of what God is doing in the earth. Dutch encourages believers to discern and look for more subtle signs as these events start to take place.

7 Ways to Spread Asbury Revival at Your Church 

By now you’ve heard that leaders at Asbury University decided to end the continuous revival meetings that broke out on their campus on February 8. It wasn’t an easy decision—students didn’t want to stop praying and worshiping, and the crowds kept coming to the tiny town of Wilmore, Kentucky. So many hungry people visited Asbury from around the world that lines were sometimes half a mile long to get into three campus auditoriums.

But the reality is that everybody can’t go to Kentucky, and there aren’t enough auditoriums in Wilmore to hold all the people who need the fire of the Holy Spirit. The Asbury Revival was never about Asbury. God was using that school as a catalyst for a nationwide movement. He wants revival to spread everywhere.

After the initial outpouring at Asbury, pockets of revival fervor began spreading as visiting students returned to their schools. This has happened at Lee University in Tennessee, Samford University in Alabama, the University of the Cumberlands in Kentucky, as well as the University of Georgia, Texas Tech and Iowa State University. But I believe this contagious spiritual zeal was meant to spread to every campus as well as every church in the United States. Is your church open to such a move of God?

Jeremiah Johnson: The True Assignment of the Devil at Asbury University

All who have attended the Asbury University revival have talked about the authenticity of the move of the Holy Spirit. God’s love and tenderness is bringing many to repentance and revival is spreading to other college campuses across the nation. Prophet Jeremiah Johnson is warning Christians about some of the responses and perspectives being posted online.

“My prayerful concerns are not in regards to what is actually happening there but rather the responses and perspectives that I am seeing posted online daily from people who are visiting there,” he wrote on Facebook.

He lists some of the comments frequently being posted on social media:

A Message to Silence Asbury University Critics 

When the Jesus movement took off in the late 1960’s, hippies with long wild hair and bare feet came together to worship God on college campuses. Many Christians were critical of their rhythm, drums, electric guitars and funky style.

Later, many of those critical Christians came to accept what God was doing during that movement. Now with the Asbury revival, it’s important to take a look at history to determine how Christians should respond.

sat down with Mario Murillo to talk about the “holy peer pressure” taking place across the nation.

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