Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Are You Prepared to Steward a Supernatural Move of God?

On this recent episode of Live Your Best Life with Liz Wright on the Charisma Podcast Network, lead pastor of Seattle Revival Center, Darren Stott, shares an important call of preparation for the body of Christ. Darren’s new book, Carve, teaches keys on preparing for and stewarding revival. We have seen many great revivals come and go throughout church history, and Darren believes, “Moves of God don’t end because God moved on. Moves of God end because of our humanity and our flesh.”

While there is no shortage of wine—His presence—there is a shortage of wineskins—ready vessels that can partner with the Holy Spirit in a continual, sustainable way. Darren says we are moving into the days of the unprecedented, where the history books can’t prepare us for where we’re about to go, and therefore, it’s critical for us to carve out a culture where we know our nonnegotiables. Darren believes the six disciplines of expectation, preparation, collaboration, communication, celebration and evaluation can create a healthy, sustainable culture of revival.

“God can send something in one season that’s a blessing,” Darren says, “that becomes a burden if we can’t realize that there was a grace in a particular season to do something with the Lord.” It’s so important to recognize when God is shifting into something else and not expect Him to move in a certain way. There is an anointing coming upon a people who say yes to God, especially on those to whom religion is saying they don’t have the right to walk in the power of God.

To prepare for God’s invitation to go deeper than ever before, we need to carve out a realm where we are prepared for the responsibility that comes with His presence. Learn how to steward His presence so you can be a part of the restoration of all things! {eoa}

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