Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

3 Ways Your Testimony Can Be a Powerful Weapon

Your testimony can give another person hope and, in turn, send Satan reeling.

The Bible reveals two mighty weapons in our arsenal against Satan’s accusations: “the blood of the Lamb” and “the word of their testimony” (Rev. 12:11).

For those at all familiar with the Bible, the blood is pretty straightforward. It represents the sacrifice and extravagant bloodshed of Christ on the cross in order to remove our sins and cancel the records of wrongs that Satan uses to accuse us (Col. 2:14).

What isn’t as obvious to many is how “testimony” is used as a weapon. Yet, as we’ll examine, it’s extremely effective to silence Satan in your life and to introduce the power of God in the lives of others.

What Is Testimony?

“Testimony” is translated from the Greek word martyria, which means “evidence.” But not just any evidence. By looking at the word, you’ll notice that the root is martyr. And so, in essence, testimony may be defined here as “the evidence of what nearly killed you.” It’s the evidence of how you made it through your toughest trial, how you overcame your past, or perhaps, how you’re even still alive today. To put it simply, your testimony is your story, which includes the pain you’ve been through on the way to where you are today.

How to Use Your Testimony

We’ve all had experiences that have cut us to the core. Some of these are our own faults; others aren’t. Whatever the case, many of these moments in life have left us marked by visible or invisible signs of the past. Someone who once struggled with sexual sin may have an inner feeling of shame. An abuse victim could feel unloved. A former drug addict might exhibit needle scars. These moments and feelings may mark the beginning of our testimonies, but they aren’t the end.

As I explore in depth in my book, Silence Satan, the wonder of the blood of the Lamb is its healing power (Is. 53:5). Jesus’ blood completely dissolves our sin and shame and covers us in His righteous identity. This is a powerful moment when wounds become scars.

Scars are simply wounds that are healed. And because they’re healed, they no longer carry the pain and shame they once did, but are evidences of healing and reminders of God’s power. We should never regret them or believe we have to hide them. But rather, the way we use testimony as a weapon is to unashamedly display our scars — to tell our stories — to others.

And in doing so, we defeat Satan in at least three formidable ways:

1. Sharing your testimony connects you with others. A struggle that all preachers face is how much to share about their own lives. We fear that if we’re too transparent, we’ll lose respect or authority. But I’ve found the opposite is true.

At the beginning of my ministry, the Lord challenged me to be as open about my life as possible. If you’ve read any of my other articles or listened to my messages, you’ll notice that most of my illustrations are my own stories. I don’t do this to garner pity or just to have humorous anecdotes. But I share the struggles and victories from my own journey because it humanizes me and makes me approachable. Rather than “I can never be him,” listeners, in some way, see themselves through my stories and say, “I am him.” When people identify with what I’ve gone through, they are much more interested to learn how I’ve gone through them.

I promise that you’ll notice the same. As soon you open your life to show your scars, you’re brought to the level of struggling people. Only at that level do you have real opportunities to heal the brokenhearted.

2, Sharing your testimony raises you above the influence of your past. Some believe that they’re completely healed of their wounds and freed of their pasts, yet they’re too embarrassed to speak about them. They fear that people will treat them differently if they know the truth. If this is the case, perhaps more healing is necessary. But often, it’s a crucifixion that’s needed.

Just after the Bible boasts about the power of testimony to defeat the accuser, it concludes with “and they loved not their lives unto death” (Rev. 12:11, MEV). This describes the crucified life. If your past is completely nailed to Christ’s cross and covered by His blood, then there’s no reason for shame or embarrassment. Your record of wrongs should no longer haunt you, and you should no longer fear the opinion of others. But if you do, the path to overcome this is to start to share your story. Begin with small opportunities. Bring up parts of your testimony in casual conversations with close friends. Base a social media post upon it. Write a short blog. Each time you share, another nail goes through the influence of your past until it’s completely dead to you. And when that happens, Satan’s accusations will have no power over you. “Old things have passed away; all things have become new” will be your reality (2 Cor. 5:17).

3) Sharing your testimony releases hope. Each one of us was rescued and brought out of something for a reason: “so that you may declare the goodness of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light” (1 Pet. 2:9, MEV).

In these dark days, it’s critical that people see the hope of resurrection. More than ever, people need confidence that God is real, that He loves them and that He can truly their transform lives into something of value. As one who’s experienced that transformation, your testimony has the power to release that hope.

Perhaps your story will encourage the addict that freedom can be had. The sick that their symptoms are not the final answer. The depressed that there is a place of exceeding joy. The outcast that there is acceptance. The worried that God will provide. No matter how big or small, your story might be just the hope that someone needs to make it through whatever he or she faces today. Don’t hold it back. {eoa}

Kyle Winkler equips people to live in victory. His mobile app, Shut Up, Devil!, is the #1 spiritual warfare app; and his recent book, Silence Satan, has helped thousands shut down the enemy’s attacks, threats, lies and accusations. Kyle holds a Master of Divinity in biblical studies from Regent University. Get daily encouragement from Kyle on Facebook and Twitter.

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