Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

You Will Have It! What Goes Around Comes Around

There is a time of unprecedented breakthrough upon many. As I reflect on past seasons where I’ve seen missed opportunities, moments and blessings that were left on the table or simply stolen by the enemy of our souls, I hear our beautiful, redemptive God decreeing with a loud, resounding voice. God is decreeing from heaven, “The fullness of restoration is upon my sons and daughters.” I sensed strongly we will enter the days of the greatest of personal breakthroughs; family and cities, many, are already there. He who has promised has/will restore everything that was lost or stolen as we position ourselves to seek Him in the months and years ahead. Our children will even be recipients of our breakthroughs. We must trust in the Lord with all our hearts and allow His words to direct our steps (Prov. 3:5-6).

I hear our beautiful Lord decreeing,” My children, you do not have to settle! Hold on to the promise. What was lost will be restored, better than it was before.” I felt strongly God’s Word saying, in Proverbs 6:30-31 (KJV), “Men do not despise a thief, if he steal to satisfy his soul when he is hungry; But if he be found, he shall restore sevenfold; he shall give all the substance of his house.”

“I will make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert” (Isa. 43:19).

This word came alive in me as I was caught up in a vision with the Lord. I saw past seasons where many did not step into moments with God. Many did not follow God’s directions and guidance into the fruitful desires He placed in their hearts. There was great warfare against these ones because of their assignments in the earth. The enemy stole desires, opportunities, blessings and adventures many were to follow God to.

The Lord is faithful to open our eyes in this moment of breakthrough to see His direction and guidance so we will not miss Him again. You are breaking through this time! Do not settle for second best or for loss. What goes around comes around! What is meant for you, you will have! There were opportunities that were intended by the Lord to bring you into the most fruitful place with open doors, blessings, legacy and new adventures. Ecclesiastes 1:9 (NIV) radiated within me: “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.”

As I was processing this with the Lord, I was having a conversation with my mother and she began to share a testimony with me that speaks to what the Lord began to share with me. She shared this story: “Many years ago, a young lady at our church, who had five children called me, and she said, ‘We don’t have food and were in need.'” My mom passionately shared, “I just didn’t think my heart went out to her. I responded by grabbing my purse and I went to the grocery store and bought her any and everything I thought they would need. I had about 15 bags of groceries for her and the kids.” My mom began to share how moved she felt by God to be a blessing to a mother and her children. She went on, “Do you know years later that same lady was a blessing to my daughter? The Lord directed her to be a blessing because my daughter didn’t tell anyone she was in need and she just dropped groceries and money off. The young lady said, ‘God told me to come to your house.'”

Friends, what you have done in secret the Lord will reward you and your children will benefit from your secret generosity and stewardship. Don’t settle. What goes around will come around. You are in a breakthrough season. {eoa}

Sherri Downs is a wife and mother of two. Sherri is a published author, life coach, mentor and speaker committed to her mandate to teach and instruct the body of Christ. Sherri believes in the power of God that allows every believer to walk in newness. Visit to learn more. You can find her book, Don’t Be Bullied By the Devil, here, as well as her book, Keys to Unprecedented Praying Power, here, and you can pre-order Righteous Relationship Reset here. Connect with Sherri Downs on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. You can also email her at [email protected].

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