Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Why Trusting God is Crucial For Believers in These Times

Here is why we need to cast all of our cares upon Jesus right now.

At the beginning of Teshuvah last month, I started receiving revelation from the Father on the word “trust.” It is no coincidence that as we are in the midst of Teshuvah and we are living in the Shemitah with the Super Shemitah approaching, God wants to speak to His people on trust. Trust and obey.

The song says, there is no better way than to be happy in Jesus and to trust and obey, but trust is not an easy thing for many believers. Trusting God has been a tug of war for many. The journey to trust has been hard for many believers. Having not trusted man because of all the hurts, pains and offenses, it has been easy for believers to blame God and not trust in the wisdom of His plan.

God desires for us to trust Him. Our challenge is that we can think that God is like the man who has treated us unfairly. God is no man. He lavishes His love upon us and forgives us unconditionally. He gives us chances over and over again, unlike man will. Man will judge, condemn, hurt, shut us out and betray us, something our heavenly Father will never do. God is unlike man. God holds us in the palm of His hand. God is unlike any man. God has a plan.

We are in a season where we have to trust like never before. It is not an option to waver back and forth in our place and our position in the kingdom. You see we have a position in the kingdom, an eternal inheritance. We know that and we believe that. We know that we will walk upon streets of gold and be with our beloved Father. We trust in that. If we trust in that, why can’t we trust in Him now? He has forgiven us, and we trust in His forgiveness, so why can’t we trust in the wisdom of His plan? 

We don’t trust because when we trust we have to relinquish control and giving up control isn’t in our nature. It’s not something we desire to do, because then we feel out of control. Feeling out of control is uncomfortable, it stretches our flesh and makes us uncomfortable in our own skin, but we shouldn’t be comfortable in our own natural fleshly skin anyways, because we are spirit. Our spirit should be exuding with joy and eager anticipation to trust God. We should be standing up and shouting, jumping up and down, “I trust God.” We should be eager to have him in our lives and be given this opportunity to trust.

Trust, it isn’t easy, but it is worth it. When we come out at the other side of the situation, we are so much better. Trusting God is worth the effort, but we need to move from the place of where it was an effort to how it becomes a natural extension of who we are. We are in the hour of where we are going to need to trust Him like never before. Trust is going to have to be a natural extension of ourselves, of something we live and manifest out daily with every breath we take. Now is the time, the hour is near, where we have to learn to trust like never before. Trusting God, won’t be an option, it will become a necessity of life. This is the hour we need to get it right, because the season is coming very soon where the necessity of living by faith and not by sight will by upon us.

I keep hearing the Lord say, “The hour is coming very soon, it is upon us.” There have been predictions of economic collapse and disaster and of hard times coming. The predictions of what could happen in the Super Shemitah could cause many to run and flee, but if our trust is in the one true God, the Holy One, there is nothing to fear, because as He provides for the sparrows, and provided manna and water in the dessert, He too can provide for you in whatever way you need it.

I hear him say, “Nourishment is coming, spiritual nourishment, to nourish your soul.” He says, “To fill up your soul with His Word, water your soul with the living Word of God, let it be a flesh spring welling up from your soul. Don’t let anyone stop you from getting the word you need. Some of you are unequally yoked. Get to church! Get to meeting places where you can be fed my Word.

“Don’t settle for complacency and inactivity because of fear of intimidation from your spouse. Don’t leave them, but don’t settle for stale religion and no spiritual teaching. You have a choice; you have something to do about your situation. What are you going to do? Are you going to settle for stagnancy or are you going to pursue Me with all you’ve got? I have a wave of refreshing coming for you. I have an increase in the pleasures of My Word. I have a fountain of life I wish to release, come to Me, come to Me and receive the refreshing I have for you.

“Come to Me my children, where there is life and abundance. Each time you come to Me, you learn to trust at a greater level, the more you come the more you trust. Trust Me, as you come to a friend and trust them don’t you know I am the greatest friend of all? I have your best interests in mind; that is why I am giving you this warning to get yourselves into a place of trust, a place of perpetual communion with Me. Get to know Me and as you get to know Me you will get to know that you can trust Me.”

Kathy DeGraw is the founder of DeGraw Ministries a ministry releasing the love and power of God. She travels hosting conferences, teaching schools and evangelistic love tours. Kathy enjoys writing and is the author of several books that educate, empower and equip people, including A Worship Woven Life and Flesh, Satan or God. Connect with Kathy at

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