Sat. Oct 12th, 2024
Are the winds of change blowing in your life? Pray for turnaround.

I believe we all received a fresh perspective and thus commissioning for entering into this “Season of Purim” this week. Below is a brief recap of last week’s prayer call with James Goll.

The most important point, which James emphasized throughout the call, is that Purim and the Hebraic month of Adar is a time of turnaround when the enemy overplays his hand and the people of God prevail.

According to James, “I heard (the) voice of (the) Spirit say the enemy is overplaying his hand. I want to bring us up a little bit. Our government may not be taking a right stand, and could pay consequences. But (in the spiritual realm) the enemy is overplaying his hand! And what was meant for evil can turn for good.”

Take a moment right now and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you where in your own life the enemy has been overplaying his hand. Ask the Lord for a verdict in your favor! Ask Him for a turnaround personally, even as you set your heart to pray for Israel, Iran, America and the Mideast during this Purim Campaign.

James shared how, in the midst of an intense move of the Holy Spirit in Hannover, Germany, he was instructed to read the book of Esther. “I sat under the tangible anointing of the Holy Spirit and read the entire book of Esther.” He saw some of the players in the book in a whole new light.

And James also perceived by the Spirit that in our day, “We would have an opportunity in church history to relive the book of Esther. And unlike times of (the) Holocaust and pogroms, (when) the church did not arise and take her place, we would arise and rewrite all the same history before throne of God as a corporate Hadassah!”

Hadassah, of course, is Esther’s original Jewish name.

Mordecai—Father, Forerunner, Intel Guy

James pointed out how Mordecai was a forerunner, preparing the way behind the scenes for most of his career before being promoted as the king’s top adviser. In mentoring Esther, Mordecai exemplified what we call today a spirit of adoption. “We need Mordecai’s to arise in this spirit of adoption today, to prepare Esther to find favor,” said James. “There would not be an Esther, nor would there be Queen Esther’s court, without the strategic relational investment of Mordecai.”

I also noted how Mordecai was given strategic intelligence by the Lord’s circumstantial hand throughout his career. This intelligence preserved the King’s reign and changed the course of history. We need to continue praying for our intelligence communities, for the Lord to expose hidden plots of sabotage and terrorism, and favor His Mordecai’s in this hour.

James also noted that when the king’s scepter was extended to favor Esther, it wasn’t just the queen but her whole court that was praying and fasting for this miracle. They were behind her, praying and fasting when she had her appointment. We need the same in our day. We need the point people, but need them backed by “Queen Esther’s Court!”

This week, during the Feast of Purim, let’s seek the face of God together. As we take this journey together, lives and even nations are being impacted. We’ve seen it before and together we will see it again!

Netanyahu’s ‘Esther Moment’

James beckoned us all to pray for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as he addresses a joint session of Congress on Tuesday, March 3. (This speech has now been given. Click here to watch Prime Minister Netanyahu’s address to Congress on March 3rd.) “The majority leader of the House invited him, and we need for him to have the Word of the Lord that will be responded to by the highest level of U.S. authorities.”

James noted how, in the Israeli elections, U.S. campaign officials are undermining Netanyahu. “But that man has been chosen by God for such a time as this to address governmental authorities of the USA as John Baptist in wilderness, preparing the way, giving us a wake up call.”

Then James prayed and declared prophetically:

“Even as Ronald Reagan said, “Mr. Gorbachev, Tear this wall down!” and by this governmental declaration the walls of communism came down, there will be a phrase that will come upon PM Netanyahu. Martin Luther King spoke spontaneously under tangible anointing, “I have a dream!” For Netanyahu, a similar phrase will come forth. It will cause controversy, talked about on every talk show, and it will cause there to be prayer in the believing church.

“(Lets pray together for a) prophetic mantle for a moment that will fall upon him, and he will release a phrase that will cut through the unpolitical correctness, releasing piercing word that will cause a line to be drawn in the sand. And people have to make a choice!

This is one of Netanyahu’s greatest strategic moments. This is his Esther moment!”

Dream-Turnaround Winds Released

Finally, James shared publicly for the first time an extraordinary word about God’s intervention, even if a nuclear crisis arises. Please note that James emphasized he is not predicting the future, just seeing the potential as we pray. Below is his word in part:

“What is the year we are in? A whirlwind year! Ezekiel spoke to the wind, and commanded a turnaround by revelation.  

“What if Iran did attempt to release a nuclear missile? Guess what? The shields of the earth belong to the Lord! I had a dream about a strong windstorm coming that would literally pick up and blow that missile(s) off course.

“I am not predicting here, but I saw the potential. If it were to happen, there is a potential for a strong wind to come and blow that thing off of its course of direction. Whether wind of prayer, or winds in the natural, a wind shall come! Hebrews 1:14 declares that God’s angels are winds. The angels will come and direct the course of the power of darkness off course! If even need be, such intercession shall arise across the global body of Christ that a wind of prayer shall be released that releases the winds of God’s angels.”

Jon’s Dream-Watchman Prayer Needed

I want to close with this. As shared in yesterday’s posting, the Lord gave me a significant dream in L.A. about praying for Israel and the Jewish people. In the dream I was working as a photojournalist for a newspaper that was shifting into video reporting as well. Night had fallen. On my dinner break I walked across a few streets and then made my way across railroad tracks, nearly stumbling.

A small, white bus was before me, and I knew it was filled with Israeli soldiers and civilians. I spoke with them briefly. They were moving towards war, and I began to pour out my heart in prayer for their protection. My voice trembled with sobbing to the point I could barely get words out. I awoke closing this prayer with them in the name of Shamar Israel.

From Psalm 121, Shamar Israel means the Watchman of Israel, who never slumbers or sleeps as He faithfully watches over His land and people.

As a longtime photojournalist, the Lord often uses the imagery of my former occupation to convey our current work in the prophetic ministry. We are called to see, to capture the revelation of His heart in real time, and to report back what He shows and speaks. I am being faithful to this call in sounding today’s alarm. It is time to wake up and watch! He is watching, and He is calling us to come alongside!

I believe the dream has much to do both with our Purim prayer focus and our upcoming trip to the covenant land of Israel. Please continue to include us in your prayers as we move forward! Below is a timetable of events, both personal and national, for strategic prayer.

James W. Goll is the co-founder of Encounters Network and director of PrayerStorm. He also coordinates a coalition of leaders called Encounters Alliance. Author of The Beginner’s Guide to Signs, Wonders and the Supernatural Life, Goll has shared Jesus in more than 40 nations worldwide teaching and imparting the power of intercession, prophetic ministry and life in the Spirit. For more information, visit

Jon Hamill is the co-founder of Lamplighter Ministries, along with his wife, Jolene. With a focus on prayer, teaching, and prophetic ministry, the Hamills impart vision, hope and practical tools to enrich the body of Christ towards this end.

For the original article, visit

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