Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Why Believers Should Beware Gloom-and-Doom Prophecy

As a Spirit-filled author, speaker and teacher, Pamela Christian warns believers to beware the so-called prophets who spout gloom-and-doom messages about the future. Believers, she says, should not resign themselves to hopelessness and fear about the coming days.

Despite COVID-19 and the chaos, confusion and division taking place in not only America but around the world, she says, true prophets know the real truth and the victory they already have in Jesus Christ. They don’t need to speak fear and failure.

“When people talk like that, especially “prophesying,” then I have to question it,” Christian told Dr. Steve Greene on a recent episode of Greenelines on the Charisma Podcast Network. “Jesus said that we will have the end days full of evil, earthquakes and all kinds of situations. But that was just the beginning.

“That was just the birth pains. I’ve got the Holy Ghost goosebumps going on right now because this is a second chance for the church, ekklesia, God’s people,” Christian says. “This is a second chance for the people worldwide, with America being in a leadership position to get right with God.

“God warns us not so that we focus on the gloom and doom and hide in a cave, but so that we can be equipped. He doesn’t want us to suffer. He wants us to repent and do what’s necessary to avoid it. So we are in a place of a second chance right now, and I want to be one of the forerunners who are really helping people take charge and be a part of the remnant that makes a difference in our country and in the world for the kingdom of God.

Christian is the host of the Faith to Live By podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network. For more about her ministry, listen to this entire podcast. {eoa}

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