Wed. Sep 18th, 2024

Why Believers Should Be Ecstatic About the Millennium

The Millennial Reign of Jesus will be a wonderful time for believers.

My husband is originally from New York City, and before our daughter was born, we would go to Times Square for New Year’s Eve every year. I loved the crowds, the excitement and the way the streets would completely light up with an all-consuming white brilliance (and confetti) at midnight—there’s nothing like it in the world!

Just as the ball dropped and the New Year was ushered in, John Lennon’s “Imagine” would blast through the air. In my opinion, this song is a New Age anthem and a foreshadowing of the Revelation 17 and 18 harlot Babylon (one-world) religion. In this false belief, there is no heaven, no hell, no religion, no countries and no possessions—and as a result, the world will live as one.

However, for the crowd that night, the song is a symbol of hope for the coming new year. Everyone sings along to “Imagine all the people living life in peace,” because that is the longing in everyone’s heart. Unfortunately, they don’t realize the repercussions that these lyrics have had over the past 40 years in desensitizing us to the one-world religion!

We all have this longing in our hearts for a world that is at peace—no more wars, conflicts, hunger, pain or injustice.

That longing we all have is finally satisfied and fulfilled in the Millennium! Let’s take a quick sneak peek at what it will look like and what we have to look forward to in the Millennium.

Our Work

Have you ever worked for a difficult boss? Perhaps they placed unreasonable demands on you, expected you to work miracles with no resources, played favorites in the department or didn’t appreciate your efforts. Perhaps they were unqualified for their position, dishonest, controlling or manipulative. Well, those days will be over! Can you imagine what it will be like to have the perfect boss? One who values you and your inputs, provides all the resources that you need, never puts undue pressure on you, treats everyone fairly, recognizes and appreciates your accomplishments, views you as a partner with Him in establishing righteousness and rebuilding the nations of the earth?

That’s what you have to look forward to in the Millennium!

Have you ever been in a job or role that just wasn’t right for you? I spent nearly 40 years of my life in those types of roles! One of the catalysts that eventually lead me to God was trying to find a job that my heart was into, that I believed in and that was a natural fit for me. It wasn’t until God began to open the door for me to teach in ministry on a full-time basis in my mid-40s that I finally found my perfect job fit! Can you imagine always being in a role that is perfectly suited for you? One for which you’ve had years to prove in smaller roles that you were capable and trustworthy to handle? That’s what you have to look forward to in the Millennium!

Our Government

Have you ever complained about the corruption and inefficiencies in our government, how much of our taxpayer dollars are wasted, the blindness and deception among our leaders, the injustices in our judicial system or our huge national deficit? I’m sure we all have at one time or another! Can you imagine a government that functions perfectly, based on the Word of God, where everything is ruled in righteousness by honest and fair judges and government leaders? Where there is justice, morality, no corruption, no debt and zero waste? That’s what you have to look forward to in the Millennium! {eoa}

Excerpted from Jeanne Nigro’s book, Unshaken (Destiny Image, 2016).

Jeanne Nigro is a frequent speaker at conferences, churches and retreats. Her teachings are relevant, practical and life-transforming whether she is bringing Old Testament truths to life, healing strongholds of the heart, or preparing believers for the end times. She is passionate about leading her audiences to experience greater intimacy with God, mobilizing them out of fear, passivity and apathy in these uncertain times and into action and purpose.

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