Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Where Does the Supermoon Fit Into the End-Time Drama?

The next supermoon coincides with a blood moon.

The fourth blood moon of the year will coincide with the supermoon, making the night sky shine bright red.  

To put it into science terms: What many refer to as a blood moon is a lunar eclipse in which the full moon appears coppery red. A supermoon is when the full moon coincides with the moon’s perigee—basically the moon is really close to Earth and appears bigger than usual. The supermoon typically occurs during the spring and fall equinoxes.   

And in biblical terms: Acts 2:20 – “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and glorious day of the Lord comes.”

Revelation 6:12 – “I watched as He opened the sixth seal. And suddenly there was a great earthquake. The sun became black, like sackcloth made from goat hair, and the moon became like blood.”

Joel 2:31 – “The sun will be turned into darkness, and the moon to blood, before the great and the awe-inspiring day of the LORD comes.”

Matthew 24:29 – “Immediately after the tribulation of those days, ‘the sun will be darkened, the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.'” 

The dates predicted for this phenomenon fall shortly after the start of the “Super Shemitah,” which begins Sept. 23.  

“In Genesis, it is written that God created the celestial lights for signs, for ‘moedem’ in Hebrew,” Rabbi Jonathan Cahn says. ” Moedeem also means the appointed times or holy days of God.” 

Meanwhile, secular skywatchers are merely noting the heavens as a point of intrigue and not divine telling.  

“If there were any object large enough to do that type of destruction in September, we would have seen something of it by now,” Paul Chodas says. Chados is the manager of NASA’s Near-Earth Object office. “There is no scientific basis—not one shred of evidence—that an asteroid or any other celestial object will impact Earth on those dates.”

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