Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

I had fallen asleep. I was attending my very first seminar on how to hear God’s voice, and I had fallen asleep during the class. If I had been aware, I probably would have been embarrassed.

That week at work carried a heavy schedule, and every night I would attend the seminar. I was truly exhausted, yet I wanted to be trained.

The instructor was calling on each student to respond to the activation, and when he got to me, I was sleeping.

Then something amazing happened. He called my name, and I woke up prophesying (see Acts 2:17).

It was such a heart-lifting grace that set me free. God’s grace had empowered my weakness. It showed me that faith was the key.

All I needed to do was believe God would use me and speak through me. I could start where I was and move forward.

God had mercy on my weakness and bypassed my limitations, letting me know that it was not by might but by His Spirit.

There’s a point of starting. No matter what your next endeavor with God is, there’s a place where faith and agreement connect. Start there. Let your next step be the step in the direction of being used.

That one activation experience set me free to know that in the midst of worship, I could trust that God would show me what He wanted me to sing or release.

Start where you are. That’s the simple yet powerful next step. Willingness paves the way for usefulness.

When I recently interviewed apostles Tom and Jane Hamon, that was the takeaway: to start where you are. You can hear more on this episode of The Prophetic Worship Leader on Charisma Podcast Network. {eoa}

Dean Mitchum is the founder of Movement Writers School of Worship and the host of The Prophetic Worship Leader Podcast. Dean and Lisa Mitchum serve as the directors of Worship Ministries for Bishop Bill Hamon of Christian International and as the worship pastors for apostles Tom and Jane Hamon of Vision Church at Christian International. Dean is the author of Apostolic Kingdom Praise and The Tabernacle of God. Dean and Lisa have written more than 100 worship songs and produced 17 worship albums. Dean is a powerful prophetic psalmist and apostolic teacher. Together they specialize in writing for the current moves of God, playing prophetically and leading worship that changes the atmosphere. They have been married 39 years and have five children and six grandchildren. They make their home near the beautiful emerald coast on the Florida panhandle.

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