Sun. Oct 6th, 2024

When God’s Promise Looks Different From Your Prophetic Expectation

Are you overwhelmingly aware of the vast chasm between the God-given prophetic promises on your life and the fulfillment of those promises?

Perhaps at times, it feels like you’re aimlessly wandering without any real sense of direction as doubt deepens in your heart? Many seasons ago, I experienced a time when I had several prophetic words that said I was going “north,” but actually, my life was going “south.”

In other words, my life seemed to be going in the opposite of my God-destined direction. You may remember Joseph’s story in the Old-Testament (Genesis 37). The minute he thought his life was about to go right, it went left quite quickly. In short, God told Joseph that he’d be a great leader.

Yet, it was no promotion that Joseph got, more like a demotion. Before he could blink twice, he was sold into slavery by his very own envious brothers; after slavery, he became the very least of everyone—a prisoner!

I can’t say this with any certainty, but it wouldn’t be surprising if Joseph experienced discouragement as I did when my life went “south” while I faithfully believed for “north.” In effect, I got to the point where I didn’t want to hear another prophetic promise from God because it only heightened a sense of hopelessness that grew in that season.

The One You’re With

Maybe some of you reading this have been discouraged too, as you’ve attempted to walk out the call of God on your life? In fact, I’m sure some of you charged into this year armed with hopeful promises from God, believing this would be the season of fulfillment, yet never expected to be standing face to face with a virus of pandemic proportions, let alone expect to experience furloughs, reduced pay or for some the loss of a job entirely.

You may be tempted to think that God pushed the proverbial pause button on life in this current season, but I can assure you with all certainty, the enemy would love for you to think that. Let me make this clear, the God-given promises on your life will not be canceled due to any circumstances or roadblocks that are seemingly standing in the way, but how you respond to any restriction, redirection or resistance matters much!

Let me put it like this. Do you remember that verse, Psalm 119:105, that says, “[God’s] Word is a lamp to [our] feet and a light to [our] path”? I want to propose to you that the part of that verse that says the “Word is a lamp to [our] feet” is, in actuality, the description of a season.

It’s the season where God’s people learn to put one foot in front of the other because the emphasis isn’t on where you’re going, the focus is on the one you’re with. I’ve learned that until I learn to trust the one, I rarely know the details of where I’m going. God is far more concerned about you knowing Him than your destiny.

In Joseph’s case, for that matter, it’s my personal conviction that his arrogance determined his journey of slavery and imprisonment. More details of his story told us that his brothers sold him into slavery after Joseph shared aloud the prophetic dream that his brothers would one day bow to him.

Note that 1 Peter 5:6 clearly states that if we humble ourselves, God exalts us at the proper time. Understand, when God gives you a prophetic promise, how you get there will be determined by what attitude you need to embody that promise. Joseph was a great leader just as God said he would be, but it was not proven to be true because his brothers bowed and begged him for mercy.

Rather, Joseph’s story is still talked of today because he put the needs of those who severely persecuted him over his desire for reverence. Today Joseph is known, just as God said he would be, as a great servant-leader—one who led with humility and compassion.

So take heart, though you may not understand the prophetic process that you’re currently experiencing, one thing can be certain: God will never depart from you in the midst of your journey, or any other time for that matter. And if you will trust God’s lead and lean into God’s heart during times of uncertainty, He will not fail in getting you from the promise to the palace of your destiny.

My Prayer for You in the Midst of the Process

For those of you reading this, I’d like to release over you the spirit of Wisdom. Some of you are like Joseph in this season and need to take time to discern what God desires to develop in you. I encourage you to take some time and ask God specifically what shifts need to happen in your heart that would be pleasing to Him.

I also want to encourage you to begin trusting the one who has plans to prosper you and not harm you! If you’ll open your heart to God, I believe you will start to gain clarity, wisdom and strategy to walk in time with God as you manifest your destiny.

Lastly, I truly encourage those reading this to share your prophetic process with those you trust. As 1 Timothy 6:12 says, “Fight the good fight of faith. Lay hold on eternal life, to which you were called and have professed a good profession before many witnesses.” In other words, as you put one foot in front of the other in pursuit of what God’s called you to, remember that this is the good fight that you’re called to! {eoa}

Kris Vallotton is an author, international speaker, culture leader and, most of all, a spiritual father to this generation. As the senior associate leader of Beth Church in Redding, California and co-founder of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry and Moral Revolution, Kris has helped thousands of believers over the last 20 years realize their identity as sons and daughters of God.

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