Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Top Prophetic Voices Share What’s Coming in 2023

Mike Signorelli / Chuck Pierce / Alexander Pagani

Read Time: 2 minutes 30 seconds

We are clearly living in volatile times and the uncertainty of what is around the corner can leave you uneasy. We sat down with the top prophetic voices in this generation to hear what God put on their hearts for this next year and how the body of Christ can step in to it.

Here is what they had to say:

Prophet Chuck Pierce

Are you worried about the future? Does inflation, food shortages and gas prices keep you up at night? Prophet Chuck Pierce says God has given us authority and has put us in strategic places that give us access to everything we need. However, Pierce says we must think like Joseph in the Bible so that we may survive in the lean times. To hear in depth, practical tips on preparing for this next season click here.

Rabbi Curt Landry

Most people in the body of Christ feel that something different is coming in 2023. You may not be completely sure what God is up to, but we have three practical steps to help you enter into what God is doing next year. We sat down for an exclusive Charisma News interview with Rabbi Curt Landry who has felt a stirring from the Lord to share three ways you can start preparing yourself for what God has planned for you in the coming months.

In the interview Landry says emotional, spiritual and financial intelligence are key. Read his entire prophetic word for next year here.

Pastor Alexander Pagani

Do you feel called to speak truth and bring reform to the current church model? We are approaching 2023 and apostle Alexander Pagani says next year he believes God will be raising up the Jehu’s to confront systems that have been oppressing God’s people.

“The rise of the wild ones who will be sanctioned by God to be able to confront systems,” Pagani says.

Pastor Mike Signorelli

The body of Christ is in a time of transition, not just because we are entering into a new year, but because God is birthing something new. You may be feeling you have moved forward on your journey, but you aren’t exactly where you are supposed to be yet. We sat down with Pastor Mike Signorelli for a Charisma News interview to talk about how God is establishing your steps this next year. “I believe that the Lord in 2023 is going to establish many people. He’s going to establish ministries, He’s going to establish entrepreneurship and businesses.”

Pastor Greg Locke

“I’ve really been seeking into the Lord about the word acceleration,” Locke says. The churches that are experiencing growth are seeing it on a massive scale and quickly, these “suddenly moments” Locke says are like in the book of Acts. God is awakening His people and getting them ready for the return of Jesus. Read his full prophetic word here.

Pastor Mark Biltz

Prepare your hearts for 2023, because God is refining the body of Christ to a new level. Some in the body of Christ have been operating out of their own will and vain imaginations for their life and church congregations. Pastor Mark Biltz, founder of El Shaddai Ministries prophesies that God, in His loving mercy will be tipping the church over to reveal what’s inside the cup.

Dr. Michael Brown

Within the last few years, a shaking began across the world in the spiritual and natural realms. Going into 2023, it’s clear that the shaking is going to continue. God is purifying the church and separating the wheat from the chaff. Read Dr. Michael Brown’s full prophetic word here.

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Shelby Bowen is an assistant editor for Charisma Media.

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