The Fresh and Mighty Wind of God’s Spirit Is Now Blowing

There is a fresh wind blowing. It is the fresh wind of His Spirit. It is not only a wind that will bring refreshment, healing, empowerment and strength, but it is a wind that will bring deep rest, deep clarity and a deep stirring of what He is breathing upon!

I had a vision, recently, where I saw many who were in their different seasons. But I noticed that the pressure of their seasons had been pushing on them—on every side—for a long time. I sensed that it still remained for many. There was so much pressure around people’s ribs and their chests.

I heard the Holy Spirit say, “Many pressures in the season [that] many of My people have walked [through] have left them feeling like they have lost their breath. They feel like they have lost their peace. They feel like they have lost their rest. They have been living at a high level of intense pressure, and I am releasing a fresh wind of My Spirit that is breaking the pressure, and they shall breathe deeply again.

“There is a deep rest that I am bringing to these ones in this hour, where the pressure is coming off and they are moving into a deep time of being at rest in Me. There is a deep rest of clarity I am bringing to them. The confusion of the season has almost taken them out…My fresh wind is blowing away. The depth of clarity that My fresh wind is bringing will bring about contentment and peace of My heart and My blueprint for their season. There is a joy and a settledness I am releasing into their hearts—in the clarity of their season—that is silencing the wrestling and bringing a stillness.”

Treasures in the Secret Place

“My mighty, fresh, rushing wind is blowing and ushering these ones into depths of worship and encounter in Me that they have not known before. There are deep treasures that are going to be found in the secret place and the place of soaking. There is such a depth of oneness with Me that is found in the lingering. It is such a deep place of healing, restoration and rest that is found in the lingering place with Me. As you linger and soak in My presence, you will be saturated in My glory and My peace. You will be saturated in My Shekinah glory in a way you have never known before. The waterfall of My oil is flowing and bringing such deep healing and restoration.”

Double Vision and a Single Focus

I saw His oil flowing upon eyes and I saw “double vision” being healed. As I was watching this take place, the Lord said, “single focus.” Where the effects of being in such a pressurized season have caused double vision, doubt and double-mindedness, the tangible presence of God and His oil are bringing deep healing and realignment. I could hear the sound of repentance and realignment resounding loudly.

There is a single focus that the Lord is bringing—a single focus upon Jesus and upon what He is speaking and what He is revealing. There will no longer be questions asking, “Am I hearing right?” “Am I seeing right?” “Have I discerned my season correctly?” Many who have been in that deep place of torment from confusion and lingering effects of a very long, pressurized season—the Lord is removing it all, and He is bringing a fresh perspective.

Fresh Perspective

This mighty, fresh wind that’s blowing is revealing the things He is not breathing upon in this hour, and it is increasing those things that He IS breathing upon. I saw the fresh wind blowing upon perspective. As you linger with Him, He is increasing clarity and revelation with His perspective. You are moving into the clearing, but He is also extending your vision supernaturally to see further than you have ever seen.

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Lana Vawser is an active member of the Australian Prophetic Council and releases prophetic words for the body of Christ and nations, and is featured regularly on The Elijah List and in Charisma magazine. She is also an itinerant preacher and revivalist who is traveling regularly with her family, seeing powerful moves of God. Lana has a strong, prophetic voice and has a heart to see the body of Christ develop deep intimacy with Jesus and actively hear His voice each day. She also has a heart to see people set free and walk in all that Jesus has purchased for them as they carry Christ into their world each day, awakened to His nature and who they are in Him. Lana is married to Kevin, and they live in Adelaide, South Australia with their family.

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