Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Chuck Pierce: The Election … A New Era!

new era

However, He showed me that His remnant was building new freedom outposts or apostolic centers. He called this remnant His ‘triumphant reserve.’  I saw twenty-three freedom outposts in twenty-three states. He then showed me other outposts that needed to form in some places, and still others where the spiritual atmosphere was now not conducive to freedom. A new type of war would have to develop to regain that portion of the land. He actually showed me how prayer strategies from the last season would be of no effect in this season. Nazareth and Capernaum are good examples of this in Jesus’s day. I also thought of how the Lord told the disciples, ‘This kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting’ (Matt. 17:21).

He then showed me new calls being extended from heaven and angels bringing those calls into the earth. The intercession and travail of today are opening the gates of heaven for these calls to come to the appropriate individuals who will lead in this hour. Next, He showed me His new leadership. This was a leadership of not just the young generation but also realigned generations. It was as if David’s mighty army for this hour was being chosen in a threefold generational alignment. When they aligned, their hearts became one with His, and the strength to overcome was released. God has deposited revelation and vision within you that will be called up for such a time as this.” 

The last three years, the Lord has been developing and identifying Apostolic Centers for the future. These Centers will be used to produce a threefold generational Kingdom Advancement.

The Lord showed me after the first three years into President Obama’s first term, America’s covenant alignment would polarize and the America as we know would no longer exist but begin to fade quickly. That occurred in May, 2011. President Obama made a statement that was overlooked by most that set all of this in motion. Next, He showed me that by within three years (by May 31, 2011), a statement would be made regarding Israel in this nation that would realign the nation and determine the future of this land.  (With President Obama’s speech of mid-May 2011 endorsing thePalestinians’ demand for their own state based on borders that existed before the 1967Middle East war, I believe that statement was made (this returns us to the warfare dimension of that season and time in U.S. History!)   I sense that three years into this last term there was a shift to turn America from its current covenant aligned form into a new form.

I then saw a massive storm hitting the East Coast. This storm would be sent as a sign for this shift that would come on the East coast and water would cover Atlantic City.  (I visited this area again in June, 2012, reiterated the word, and the prophetic team mobilized prayer up and down the coasts of New Jersey and Delaware.) The Lord shared that when this city went under water, this would signify the beginning of a necessary infrastructure shift that would begin in the East Coast. This would not only greatly effect New York and New Jersey, but then Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Saint Louis, Charlotte, Atlanta, and Miami Dade County metroplexes. These mega structures would rearrange their governments in a confederation that would not promote Christianity as the first spiritual influence of the land, but embrace other forms of religious alignments that would make handshakes politically to control their regions. After this, the West Coast would begin to shake from San Diego to Seattle.

By 2016 there would have to be a revolution of revelation attached to the apostolic centers. These Centers, or outposts, will be known as contending governmental influences very much like in John the Baptist, Jesus, and the Apostles day. Once again, the Lord’s warning to “beware of the Pharisees and Herodians” will become a reality! The covenant rights of this land will once again be contended for.

However, the battlefields will not be the present battlefields. These contending governments will address the IRS and Electoral College structures. They will address the current ruling power of the Federal Reserve System. They will address the Health Care Structure that presently is meant to take away our freedom to heal and be healed. They will address and propose a New America with redistributed power! Texas will be Central in the redevelopment of this over the next 4 years. Arizona, Alabama, Alaska, and Tennessee will arise and be leading contenders of freedom.

Are we ready for this? We must be if our children’s children are to have any opportunity for covenant freedom in this next season. In these next three years, the church will return to its First Love, secure its candlestick, receive incredible compassion and be ready for the war ahead.

I see a new prophetic intercessory movement ahead to help us make this shift into Kingdom alignment. I see media forces like Charisma instrumental in this shift. The voice of the Lord must be restored to our land. There is no need to pray for the America we have known but we must begin to pray and intercede to develop a New Wineskin America. The inalienable rights that were promised in the original covenant that was made with Godly men and women in this land, will have to be dusted off, untangled, and replanted for other generations to enjoy. This new wineskin must be  developed so God can pour  revelation into us to war for a covenant that  still exists, but is no longer in functional relationship with Him.  He longs to visit here in the earth realm in the land that has been called America. He still has a plan of fullness, but the war and leadership for this plan are now taking a drastic transformational shift.

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