Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Chuck Pierce: The Election … A New Era!

new era

After the election night and my early morning quiet time on Wednesday, I went to review my email and found the email that Steve Strang of Charisma sent out. This was the first synopsis of review for this national event that I knew I was to read.  I love people like Steve, that hold the ideals of what was developed through the early wars for freedom in this land as the plumb line for our future.

However, I then had to stop, reflect, and remember before the Lord what the Lord showed me on May 31, 2008.  I have shared this vision since that time in most states and eventually will publish what I saw in a book to reveal what each State’s future aligning covenantal relationship with a Holy God looks like for the future.

Let me review this visitation: The Vision!

On May 31, 2008, I was preparing to speak at a large gathering at Liberty State Park in New Jersey near Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty.  Suddenly, the Lord gave me a vision of our nation.  He took me three years into the future and began to let me hear and see what our future would look like. He first showed me my own bloodline and the glory and iniquity of its history. He then showed me three years ahead and the two iniquitous spirits that would try to capture my children and children’s children.

In my book Redeeming the Time, I wrote the following: “On May 31, 2008, the Lord showed me His triumphant reserve. He raised me and showed me the nation of the United States of America. First, He revealed His remnant and where they were positioned. Next, He showed me their strength from state to state to state. He showed me how many were moving over into the enemy’s camp of religion. He showed me how others were aligning around race and gender as opposed to mission call and gifting.

Then He showed me high places. These were altars that had been built by the enemy and positioned strategically throughout the land. I saw how the sacrifices on these altars were empowering and keeping an atmosphere held captive by ruling hosts. Next, the Lord showed me the atmosphere. In this vision, He showed me different layers of the atmosphere in relationship to His presence versus the demonic spiritual rule in that particular area or region. (Some areas have already been taken over, and darkness actually rules those areas.) There were 10 ruling centers already developed within the United States. Then He showed me the communication systems between these centers. I saw how one sacrifice empowered one dimension of an evil presence, and then that presence would communicate to another center as together they networked their plan of control. (I could go into great detail here, but I will wait for another time to do this. As a matter of fact, I believe it would be unwise to share everything I saw. In the next book when we are dealing with worship, perhaps I will share more.)

The Lord also showed me covenant roots. He actually showed me the level of nurturing that was still grafted to His covenant root, which He had developed from Abraham’s obedience. He showed me how this nation had first been nurtured by that root, but now lifelines from the root system had withered. Actually, some of the lifelines in parts of this nation had dried up, and the root system of that part of the nation had changed, allowing a different root structure to be formed.

He then showed me our conflict between the root systems. These conflicts in the next several years would determine what sort of fruit would be brought forth in this nation. He showed me that the conflicts would multiply and intensify. I actually saw orchards of contention. The interesting portion of this vision was that different people groups in each orchard created a different type of fruit than had been tasted of in past seasons. The only thing I could relate to biblically was the church that came out of Antioch. The Antioch church was an international church that came about for kingdom advancement for that season in history.

Next, He showed me how the communication system in the United States was linked with systems internationally and how a new form of global communications was forming in the demonic world. This communication would control financial and legal structures.

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