Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

The Distinct Roles of Prophecy and the Word of God in the Church Today

Eddie Hyatt teaching

I had finished my message on Sunday evening, and a very real sense of God’s love and presence seemed to fill the auditorium. Without any coaching or music, the congregation stood with their hands in the air quietly basking in God’s presence. Suddenly, a visitor thundered forth a very harsh prophecy, saying, “This people draws near to me with their mouths, but their hearts are far from me. This people needs to repent, turn from their wicked ways, and then I will receive them.” 

Normally, in such a situation, I would prefer to take the person aside in private and share my concerns about their prophecy. However, as I looked out on the audience I could see confusion on people’s faces, and I knew I had to address it publicly then and there. As I did, a series of events unfolded that gave me insight into the unique roles of prophecy and the Word of God in the church today. This story is at the 10:25 mark of the video below.


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