Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

The Anointing that Breaks the Yoke and Promotes You!

Recently the Lord showed me 1 Samuel 22:2 (NIV) as a word for the year 2022.

“All those who were in distress, or in debt, or discontented gathered around him, and he became their commander.”

The year 2022 will be a year that those who have overcome the Goliaths in their spheres, and the lions and bears in their own lives, will begin to see an army rally around them to help expand the kingdom of God.

So many times, prophetic people want to be heard. But the way people follow prophets is when prophets have fought and won battles.

People follow authority.

Authority comes from battle.

You can get some authority because someone gives you a position. But positional leaders don’t get followed very long if they don’t fight some battles in the area they oversee.

This is one of the challenges of leaders that people follow, turning their ministries over to sons and daughters that haven’t fought battles and won victories.

As prophets, you need to embrace that the way to a greater level of leadership is you taking on the giants of the cities, regions, spheres and nations you work and live within.

Instead of being frustrated about your need to be heard and the lack of favor you have, step toward the problems in the world around you. As you solve them, you will be heard.

Most of the time, the problems of the world that we are called to solve are found first in our own lives as problems.

Our own problems with lack of finances, lack of favor, lack of healthy relationships, etc., are the keys to favor in the world around us.

As we face the lions and bears that war against what God has entrusted to us, then we will get our chance at the Goliaths that taunt the world around us.

We step out and face that giant because we have victories in our own lives that prophecy the giant will fall. Suddenly the giant we kill will open greater opportunity for us to lead an army.

This is the year for you to turn your problems into breakthroughs; to turn your pain into authority; to step into the anointing that breaks the yoke and causes freedom to be released all around you.

Join me on my podcast to learn more about this anointing and how you can access it. You will feel the fire of God and be provoked to step into a grace that puts you in the center of what God is up to today and what is coming in 2022. {eoa}

Keith Ferrante founded and runs a movement called Emerging Prophets. The purpose of this movement is to discover, develop and deploy revival and reformer prophets into every sphere of society. Keith also founded and runs a prophetic consulting movement that helps businesspeople get breakthrough in their businesses. Keith is also an author: Prophesying Like a Prophet and 5-Fold Entrepreneur are his latest books. You can find his books and other info about Keith at

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