Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Shawn Bolz Prophesies: Your Prodigal Is About to Come Home

Read Time: 3 Minutes 10 Seconds

In Christianity we have this endearing term for people who have lost their way, left their faith or rebelled against love. It is called prodigal.

The term “prodigal” refers to someone who has strayed from the right path, particularly in a spiritual sense. In Christianity, the term is often used to describe someone who has turned away from their faith and is living in a state of sin. The parable of the prodigal son, told by Jesus in Luke 15:11-32, is a powerful illustration of the love and forgiveness of God for those who have strayed from him.

In the parable, a younger son asks his father for his inheritance and then goes to a far country and wastes his wealth in wild living. When he realized his mistakes, he came back to his father who welcomed him back with open arms, and celebrated his return.

This parable teaches that God never stops loving His children and that His mercy and forgiveness are always available to those who repent and return to Him. It also shows that God’s love extends to the prodigals and how much He desires for them to come back to Him.

Some of the so-called empowered people in this world don’t look very empowered right now because they are not living connected to God’s original purpose for their life or in connection to God. There are leaders in homeless shelters, CEO’s in drug rehabs, artists who are trapped in mental pain, and there are those who you would look at today and never imagine what God sees: a powerful, anointed, beautiful soul. Some of your potential best friends, family members you will be closest to, employees that will be the best ones in your company are out doing the wrong things right now.

“The Lord says, ‘This is a season where I am sending angels all around the world to gather prodigals. Though the prodigal may wander far from home, My love for them never wavers. I am the Shepherd who searches for the lost sheep, and I will leave no stone unturned to bring them back to My fold. The prodigals may have squandered their inheritance, but I offer them a new inheritance—eternal life in My kingdom. So have faith, for I am bringing your loved ones back to salvation. They may have been lost, but now they are found.’“

My prophecy to you today is that some of the prodigals that you love the most or that have strayed the furthest or just are cold right now in their hearts to the love and presence of God are about to come home. Pray with new passion and keep your heart open to them because there is going to be serious transformation in this next season.

Just like we have seen over the past few years some major people in culture and society make major turns back to God and align to their true calling like Denzel Washington becoming a minister, Bob Dillon sharing his faith and even allowing his movie to be faith centric, Justin Bieber having his great turn around and experiencing a move of faith in Jesus, we are going to see so many more who have Christian roots see Jesus as worthy of spending their lives on.

It will be a great homecoming for many and God wants to put in your core of that relationship the gift of faith. In the story of the prodigal we are not supposed to relate to the older brother or younger brother, but to the Father who generously opens His heart to those who are coming back, fully welcoming and receiving them back into their home.

To find out more, listen to my full podcast on The Shawn Bolz Show (link to come Wednesday morning).

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Shawn Bolz is a TV and podcast host, an author, producer and a Christian minister. He has been leading conversations in the church, entertainment industry, and in social justice that have helped believers connect their faith to culture in a transformative way. Shawn’s deeply connected yet humorous style of speaking, media hosting & coaching through his unique expert perspective has brought him around the world to meet with churches, CEO’s, entertainers, and world leaders. Visit his website at

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