Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophetic Word: What If It Was Your Child?


Our Lord is saying. “Look through My eyes and see what I see. How long must I endure the silence of My people? Do they not know their enemy’s net is ready to be cast upon them as they continue to war with each other?

“A house divided will not stand. Yet I see you continue to sleep soundly in your bed each night as if nothing will be changed. You act is if My Scriptures are a book of lies because you obviously do not see what I see.

“You do nothing while little children are being stolen and abused by those who thirst with lust. I see so many little ones waiting for someone to come take them away before they are sold to the highest bidder. If each family took into their homes just one child, it would not take long for before thousands to be saved. Oh, I see it may not be convenient for your family to take in one of My children. What if it was your child waiting with tears in their eyes for someone to love and protect them?”

It Is Written

“He will answer, ‘Truly I say to you, as you did it not for one of the least of these, you did it not for Me” (Matt. 25:45).

For more on how we are called to care for the least of these, listen to The School of Prophetic Knowledge on the Charisma Podcast Network. {eoa}

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