Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophetic Word: We Are Entering the Books of Acts

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On the morning of June 5, 2022, I was praying in preparation for the Arise Women’s Summit I was hosting near Knoxville, Tennessee, when the Lord took me into an encounter.

I found myself in the library of heaven standing before a giant staircase made of extremely large books. In pure fairytale fashion, I was filled with wonder in this realm of records, where the imagination of the Father had influenced the lives of individuals, who then made history with Him on earth. The books stacked up on top of themselves and made a spiral staircase that reached up into a glimmering cloud far above.

I began to walk up this staircase, or bookcase as it were, taking my time to read the titles of each book. I was intrigued to see that books from the Bible, including the Torah and the New Testament epistles, made up some of the steps; but also incorporated in the stack were works of the saints, revivalists and reformers of old, such as Maria Woodworth-Etter, A.A. Allen, Smith Wigglesworth, Aimee Semple McPherson, the Moravians, Puritans, pilgrims, Joan of Arc, Harriet Tubman and the like.

There were journals, captains’ logs and journalist reports documenting moves of God and revivals of the past. It was powerful! I could feel the explosive power of God between each cover as my foot touched them.

Then as I approached the glimmering glory cloud, near the top, I heard the Spirit of God recite John 21:25 (paraphrased): “Jesus did countless things that I haven’t recorded here. If every one of His acts were recorded, the world would not be able to contain the books.”

At the Threshold of ‘Signs and Wonders Land’

Once through the cloud, I found myself standing before a giant, ancient door made of heavy wooden beams. There, before my face, and significantly larger than my head, was a giant doorknob. I was reminded of the classic story Alice in Wonderland, when she shrinks in order to go through the door that leads to Wonderland. And much like Alice, I began to experience an overwhelming sense of curiosity and desire to understand why the Lord had brought me here. I had an inner knowing that I was at the threshold of a world called “Signs and Wonders Land.”

It was then that I realized that Jesus was the door and my faith was the key! He is the way, the truth and the life, and our faith in Him gives us access to every realm He invites us into!

The door was cracked open to me, and brilliant light streamed from the opening. This knowledge produced such a holiness and reverence within me for Christ that it took my breath away. I knew that thresholds were sacred to the Jews, because of the blood of lambs being applied on the doorposts at Passover, but this experience took my understanding to the next level.

Threshold moments are so sacred because they mark the crossing over from death to life; the end of one season or era and the beginning of a new one. They are the birth canals of the spirit realm that release new moves of revival, and the access points between heaven and Earth for acquiring blueprints directly from the throne room.

Entering ‘The Book of Acts’

I looked up to see a plaque on the door that read “The Book of Acts.” The Lord began to speak to me and said, “I am turning the page for My governing body, the ecclesia. My church is now crossing into a new chapter. This is a sacred transition, and it will be known as the book of Acts for the millennial generation.”

It was then that I received a supernatural download in the spirit, revealing that the book of the acts of the apostles, which we are familiar with in the New Testament, is still being written in the spirit realm—and we are in it!

God has all of our days recorded in His book. All of our lives are recorded in the history of heaven. And for those of us who live on Earth as lovers of God, devoted to being conformed into Christ’s likeness and constantly being empowered by the Holy Spirit—our acts, works and exploits are still being recorded in continuation of the never-ending story of the ever-increasing kingdom of our God and Father!

The Spirit prompted me to step inside the door. With much reverence, I crossed over the threshold and entered into the book of Acts. I found myself standing with the 120 disciples that were in the upper room, waiting expectantly for the promise of the Holy Spirit.

Suddenly, a blast of wind hit the room like a tornado! The heads of each person lit up as if they were candles on a cake, as tongues of fire rested on them, enabling them to speak in other languages so that they could proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the ends of the earth and to every people group! The manifest presence of God released waves of joy and what appeared to be drunken euphoria over a people who had never experienced such pleasure before! Psalm 16:11 became alive to them in this moment.

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Christa Elisha is the founder of Arise Kingdom Ministries, the Revival Rooms and W.I.L.D. (Walk In Love Demonstrated) Equipping. She is a vibrant apostolic revivalist that burns with passionate devotion to Jesus. She carries a strong anointing to invite others into the ecstatic bliss of knowing Christ for who He truly is: The only one who satisfies every need for every soul. It is out of this intimacy that Christa has been commissioned by God to baptize a generation in holy fire so that the bride of Christ arises in purity and power to shake the gates, destroy hell and radiate the splendor of the risen King, bringing glory to the Father. Christa walks in signs and wonders and prays that revival fire is sparked in each person she touches as her heart cries, “On earth as it is in heaven!”

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