Prophetic Word: There Will Be a Day of Reckoning

“Behold, the day of the LORD comes, cruel, with both wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate; and He will destroy its sinners from it. For the stars of heaven and their constellations will not give their light; the sun will be darkened in its going forth, and the moon will not cause its light to shine.” (Isa. 13:9-10)

I recently spent a couple of weeks in Egypt. It was a blessing to be in that ancient land that is still filled with youth and life. Everywhere I went, I saw young people enjoying their lives and their days. I saw them work hard and I saw them enjoying themselves in their evenings. God has certainly blessed that land as He has blessed all lands.

Our Father in heaven is so tolerant. I love this Scripture in Deuteronomy 7:9, “Therefore know that the LORD your God, He is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments.” I know this God of love. The peace that I have from being in relationship with Him blesses my heart daily, and I see this peace increasing within the lives of my children. 

As you and I enter into Christ, He has a way of entering into everyone we love. But when we are in darkness, when we worship the darkness, our families are haunted by the evil that lurks all around us. The curses can move from one generation to the next if not dealt with. Deuteronomy 5:9 says this about serving other gods or the demonic: “[Y]ou shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me.”

Coming Out from Under the Tyranny of Demons

I was in Tanzania a couple of years ago, where I met a young man in a meeting who was in his early twenties. When I looked him in the eyes, I could see the hand of the demonic upon him, because there was a darkness around his eyes. He was bound by Satan, and I could see it. I went right after that demon. I called the young man over to me and I began to prophesy. Out of me flowed words that stretched even me. I remember saying to him, “When you were a young boy, your grandmother brought you to the witchdoctor because you were dealing with something. That witchdoctor gave you mosquitoes and this brought a curse upon your life. I declare over you that you are being set free.” The young man was completely shocked by the word and went to the pastor to tell him how accurate this word was. He got delivered from this demonic force and is now serving Jesus.

So many people live under the tyranny of demons. These demons rest upon them and they have been in their family for generations. To those of you who are living under this tyranny, God can set you free, but you must turn to Him with your entire being.

Uprooting Seeds of Destruction

People always ask me if the demonic is stronger in other nations than in the North American nations. I don’t even understand that question. When you look at the political mess that our countries are in currently, when you look at how the people have turned so far away from God, you must know that there is a demonic force behind this and not some political science or philosophy professor in the universities.

The enemy has been designing a plan of destruction over our nations for generations. He came against our parents and our grandparents, and the seeds of destruction that were planted in them are finding fruit in this present time. And yet, God will not be mocked. There will be a day of reckoning. This present demonic order will not withstand the power and love of God. Those that are bound will be set free. We as Christians must be a standard against this present world order. We must stand up to the tyranny.

God Is Stronger Than Any Evil

We must get the understanding into our hearts that God is stronger than any evil that is rampant in our time. Perhaps you are a Christian, and you have been praying for your family. You have seen the enemy take captive your children’s hearts and you are praying that they will be set free. I declare that they will be set free because the power of God is greater than any power that they may face. He has a way of entering into lives that you and I can barely understand. He got ahold of my life, He got ahold of your life and He will get ahold of our children’s lives as well.

The faith that you and I have is not a religious formula, but it is a living faith. The Father is real. The Holy Spirit is real. Jesus really did live and is now at the right hand of the Father. Our God is brilliant and shining. He is living and desires to live with us. He can communicate with us at all times and does. The essence of Romans 1:19-23 is that we will not have an excuse saying that we did not believe there was a God, because what He created gives evidence that He is real. He is speaking to all of us, even now.

God is about to bring a harvest! At the same time, we will see evil and wickedness falling as they will also have a day of reckoning with our God. The goodness of God is real. I declare that all strongholds over your mind and over the minds of your family will be penetrated by the goodness of God. He will open doors of your thinking. He will make a way for all of us to surrender to Him.

I declare: Get ready. God is about to do a new thing.

Darren Canning is an international speaker, painter and writer. He is a seer in the spirit and believes that God is moving in this hour in such a way that many millions are about to be reaped into the Kingdom of God. As he travels the world, he is blessed to see the body of Christ in its glory. He has been among people of different cultures and languages and they are growing into the spotless bride.

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