Prophetic Word: The Time for Shrewdness Has Come

I recently had the opportunity to have a conversation with apostolic prophet Chuck Pierce from Glory of Zion. We discussed the times and seasons and how we can partner with God to bring forward His kingdom and be witnesses to a world that needs hope in difficult times. As we spoke, Pierce said we needed to be shrewd during this season, and I could not agree with him more.

According to Merriam-Webster, shrewdness is defined as “having a keen awareness and discernment of a situation to make wise and creative decisions.” If we are shrewd, in other words, we will be able to accurately assess the situations and oppositional strategies in any given situation, and in turn, have creative ideas that will help us overcome all the schemes thrown our way. Shrewdness is essential in times like these.

On the day President Trump was elected, the Lord interrupted me with a startling question: “If you knew you only had four years to do business freely, what would you put in place now?”

The question took my breath away. It was not at all political. It was not at all a prediction. It was, absolutely, a disruption and provocation. Things in my life at that moment were good. Ministry, family, finances were all solid and running smoothly. Why would I make any changes?

Herein lies the point of a provocative question. It brings an interruption to your paradigm. Had the Lord not asked such a disturbing question, I would never have entertained an interruption in what and how I do things. I would never have prepared myself to navigate major change out of which would come opportunity.

I began to wait on the Lord. I also began to study Scripture. From this study came a critical understanding of what it means to be wise in times of adversity and sudden change.

In Luke 16, we read the story of the shrewd manager. Jesus said the manager, a son of darkness, was more shrewd in his generation than the sons of light. How and why was the manager shrewder than the sons of light? Because when he discerned the crisis happening around him, he seized the opportunity to turn things in his favor. He made new decisions. He allowed the adversity of the moment, the untimely crisis, to stimulate creativity so that he could have a strategy to thrive in the future. He used the resources and position available to him to take advantage of the situation. Yes. He was shrewd.

As we process and reflect on the lesson from Luke 16, we must ask ourselves: As the sons of light, are we being shrewd in our current seasons and circumstances? Most people are afraid of change, but if nothing changes, nothing changes!

Have you ever tried to steer a car when it is not moving? It is tough. In fact, it is near to impossible. It is easier to move an object that is already moving because the initial static friction has already been overcome. Perhaps our perspective needs changing regarding change. If we viewed change as the momentum God is bringing to overcome our initial static friction, we might learn how to drive in those situations!

We are facing crazy, turbulent times in the world, the nations, the culture, politics and economics right now. We, as the body of Christ, as we face crisis and major change, must begin to see and assess every situation with candor and revelational understanding. We are the sons of light. We are the light of the world. We must be clear about where history is leading to make decisions that will affect the future for the advancement of God’s kingdom. We cannot serve the culture and politics and take our place in the kingdom. It’s time to think and act like the sons of light. The shifts, sudden changes and even crisis, could stimulate creative kingdom strategies to put into place now, if we will be shrewd in personal finance, business, politics and ministry. We must be shrewd!

Are you getting this? Shrewdness, according to Scripture, is wisdom accompanied by revelation knowledge and prophetic insight in any given situation. It is the ability to see what is, look ahead at what will be and step into the presenting opportunity to gain favor, prosper and advance the kingdom of God. Shrewd––it’s how Joseph fed his family and the nations during a global famine while personally flourishing. Shrewd––it’s how Esther, an orphan girl, gained influence, overcame wicked political opposition and saved her people.

Shrewdness is what Jesus expects of all those who follow Him, saying, “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; therefore be shrewd as serpents, and innocent as doves” (Matt. 10:16, NASB 1977). Our mission is lived out in a hostile world. The kingdom of God suffers violence because whenever God begins to move, the enemy stirs up hostility, conflict and violent opposition against it. Jesus understood what every disciple in every age would face, and therefore, He tells us there is a way of being in the world: Shrewd and innocent.

Shrewd as a serpent because, according to Genesis 3, there is no other creature craftier, more shrewd. That old snake in the garden saw circumstances for what they were and where it would lead in the future if he did not act. The man and the woman, made in the image of God, would rule in God’s place on the earth. Seeing the opportunity to change everything in the direction of his own favor, he seized it. The serpent was shrewd. We are called by Jesus to be as shrewd as the serpent, but also innocent as a dove. Why? Without the right heart before God, in submission to His will and led by His Spirit, “shrewd” is just a snake.

We are in a season of unprecedented change. It is not time to be afraid. It is a time to be shrewd. There is no time to fear; it is a time to be shrewd!

If you want to hear more on how to navigate this current season with wisdom and understanding, join me for Shrewd on Move Forward with Dr Kim Maas. {eoa}

Kim Maas is an author, minister and international speaker. After a radical encounter with the Holy Spirit on March 22, 1994, Kim left her 22-year nursing career to serve God full time. Her passion is to inspire, encourage and equip God’s people to move forward in the call of God on their lives. This passion comes through in her preaching, leadership, writing and everyday life. Kim has trained and equipped churches, ministries and individuals to operate in the gift of prophecy in several nations and the United States. She served as a pastor in the local church for many years before becoming a full-time itinerant minister.

She is the president and CEO of Kim Maas Ministries and the founder and director of Women of Our Time. She can be heard weekly as the host of the Move Forward with Dr Kim Maas podcast on Charisma Podcast Network and Move Forward with Dr Kim Maas show on KiTV. She is the author of Prophetic Community: God’s Call for All to Minister in His Gifts and The Way of The Kingdom: Seizing the Times For a Great Move of God, published by Chosen Books. Find her at

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