Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Prophetic Word: The Lord Will Uphold You When You Want to Give Up

This is a powerful word that the Lord gave me during a time of fasting, praying and seeking the heart of God prior to stepping into 2021. You see, God does not want His children to back down in the face of the enemy’s upheaval. He wants us to arise in determined faith and stand against the tactics of the enemy. He wants us to have victory in every situation. As you do this, you will see God do the extraordinary in your life.

May this word of the Lord bless you, as it blessed me, as you stand strong against every upheaval that tries to come up against you in Jesus’ name. We win.

God is calling us to arise and stand for purity, righteousness and holiness and to speak out all that He has commanded in His infallible Word. Divine protection is guaranteed despite the enemy’s upheaval against you because the Lord is with you, and He will deliver you from the grips of darkness.

The Lord says today, “Speak My Word and do not quit! I have not become undone by the world’s upheaval, but I am surely not done in turning the currents back against your enemies. I say again, I am not done! Many of My people have fallen away—and many have questioned Me—but I do not change.

“The beginning of 2021 will be a kairos time and season of new beginnings, greater things and more of My reigning glory! I have ordained destinies and those who have stood strong to arise and take up their new mantles. I am releasing brand new mantles, new fitted cloaks, to those who have stayed hidden in Me and declared My Word during times of the enemy’s havoc and paranoia. It is My power and My will that will cause all things to work for the good of those who are in Me.

“Do not be swayed by the winds of chaos, confusion and media; by the winds of jealousy; by the winds of compromise; by the winds of passivity; by the winds of lack and by those who have abandoned their posts and My call on their lives prematurely by falling to every whim of the world and self-aborting destiny. I am for you, and if I am for you, who can be against you? I am the Lord of Hosts. Arise My precious sons and my daughters, and don’t give up; as I say to you today, the best is yet to come for those who are truly in Me!”

1 Timothy 4:1-2 (MSG) says, “The Spirit makes it clear that as time goes on, some are going to give up on the faith and chase after demonic illusions put forth by professional liars. These liars have lied so well and for so long that they’ve lost their capacity for truth.”

Let’s continue and journey this together as you listen to this episode of the Fresh Fire podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network, and get a fresh wind of His Spirit, a fresh word from heaven and renewed strength and courage to not give up.

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