Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘My Trailblazing Daughters Are Arising’

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I heard the Lord say, “My trailblazing daughters are arising!”

Trailblazer definitions: “a person who blazes a trail for others to follow through unsettled country or wilderness,” a “pioneer” and an “innovator.”

Synonyms: “ground breaker,” “trendsetter,” “spearhead” and “explorer.”

An Invitation at the Crossroad

Suddenly, I saw daughters of God all over the world standing at a crossroad that was labeled “new beginnings.”

This was a defining moment. The choice was to follow Jesus and where He is going, or to follow the pathways that were “known” and comfortable.

As the daughters of God held the hand of Jesus, while also giving Him a loud resounding “yes,” they began to run with Jesus into new areas, forging new pathways with Him. As they did, I heard these words booming in the spirit: “off the beaten track.”

What was so beautiful and so significant to me was that everywhere they ran with Jesus, fire followed and flowed.

The Lord began to show me that this deep birthing of new ministries, new pathways, new movements and new assignments is taking place in the daughters of God. Where the enemy has done all he can to keep them down and to keep them hidden, now is the time of the divine crossroad, where the Lord is inviting His daughters into new ventures and pathways they have never been down before, and to pave new pathways that have never been walked before.

A Major Increase of the Pioneering Spirit

There is a major increase of the pioneering spirit upon women. And the Lord spoke to me that the enemy has worked so hard to bring fear, doubt and intimidation against the daughters of God because of this increase of the pioneering mantle upon many, and because of the new pathways that they were going to carve with Jesus.

The daughters of God are rising up with their resounding yes to Jesus as the TRAILBLAZERS that the Lord has called them to be. These new assignments and ventures of the Lord may seem completely “out of the blue,” “out of left field” or majorly “off the beaten track,” but the fire of God that shall be released as these daughters run with Jesus will be exponential.

New Vision, Creative Ideas and Creative Strategies

The Lord spoke again: “My daughters rising up as trailblazers, as they say yes to Me, will be possessed with greater vision than they have ever carried. suddenly, I will interrupt their lives now with new vision, with creative ideas and with creative strategies that will awaken them to their identity and influence in every area of jurisdiction I have given them.

“Fire is going to fall on these new strategies, creative ideas and visions I am releasing to My daughters that will see them pave pathways that have not been paved before—things never done before…

“My divine innovators are being birthed right now, and I am branding them as unstoppable, as they yield to Me and yield to My Word. There will be major transformation as My daughters follow My wisdom and implement My new visions. There will be many times of stepping out of the boat—taking risks led by My Spirit—but it will be a time of great increase, influence and the fire of My love and presence falling heavily.”

Step Forward Into Abundant Provision

I heard the Lord say: “My trailblazing daughters, as these new visions are being given to you; as these new pathways, creative ideas and new strategies are being released, there is a temptation to hold back in fear or to doubt. But I say unto you: do all you can to step forward in the vision I am releasing and you shall receive abundant provision.

“My daughters, there will be more provision for these trailblazing pathways and ‘off the beaten track’ adventures with Me than you have ever received before. You will see how radical obedience to Me brings forth radical provision.

“I am now birthing these dreams within you, and you will know it is Me because I will continue to confirm My word. You will be filled with great joy, and the dream and vision will keep you awake at night dreaming of the endless possibilities.”

Your Vision Is Different—Don’t Let That Stop You

The Lord showed me that many of these visions and pathways look different than what “has been,” and comparison, fear and doubt may creep in. But I heard the Lord speak so loudly:

“Do not let the fact that the vision I have given you is different (and not seen or done before in the way I am showing you) stop you. For as you move with Me in obedience and boldness, you will see favor fall upon you in significant ways. What I have shown you, given you and am calling you to spearhead and walk in has to be different, because I am doing something completely new and want to release something new into the earth through you!”

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland,” (Isa. 43:19).

I watched as the daughters of God were in awe and wonder at the miracles, the provision, the favor, the divine connections, the resources, the open doors and the divine insight that He was releasing as they walked in obedience to Him on these new pathways.

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Lana Vawser is an active member of the Australian Prophetic Council and releases prophetic words for the body of Christ and nations, and is featured regularly on The Elijah List and in Charisma Magazine. She is also an itinerant preacher and revivalist who is traveling regularly with her family, seeing powerful moves of God. Lana has a strong, prophetic voice and has a heart to see the body of Christ develop deep intimacy with Jesus and actively hear His voice each day. She also has a heart to see people set free and walk in all that Jesus has purchased for them as they carry Christ into their world each day, awakened to His nature and who they are in Him. Lana is married to Kevin, and they live in Adelaide, South Australia with their family.

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