Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘Judgment Will Fall on the Perpetrators of Injustice’

Read Time: 4 Minutes 10 Seconds

On Oct. 7, 2022, while sitting alone with Father, as I listened intently, He spoke a very solemn word to me: “Daughter, judgment is going to fall on the wicked and the very wicked. None will escape My just judgment and the punishment for their sins. The only way of escape is through true repentance!

“At the same time that the wicked, or those who have done the bidding of the wicked, reap what they have sown, My faithful ones will reap their great rewards. The hour is upon you now that the seeds sown are going to be reaped. There will be much sorrow, weeping and gnashing of teeth, and at the same time, great rejoicing and dancing in the streets. My justice demands it to be so!”

On Oct. 9, 2022, Father continued speaking to me about His coming judgments: “I have heard My children’s cries! I will not only send a deliverer, but I will heap vengeance on the heads of those who have deliberately brought so much suffering and destruction to My people. Watch and see My arm of justice fall, for I will not endure any more of their wickedness. They have been given plenty of time to repent and turn, but instead they have dug in their heels in a stubborn refusal to stop their wicked deeds. Going into the area they destroyed and boasting and gloating over the havoc they created was the last straw!

“Watch and see Me show Myself mighty as I take down these bullies. Pharaoh was no match for Us, nor will these workers of iniquity be.”

Confirming Scripture: John 2:13-23 (This is the account of Jesus cleansing His Father’s temple of evil and dishonesty and of those taking advantage of His people. The wrath of God is evident, as Jesus chases the rebellious people and money changers out of the temple.)

The Just Judge Is Coming to the Earth

Once again, on Oct. 10, 2022, Father showed me that His judgment is coming on the wicked. In a startling vision during worship, I beheld Father in His long, black judge’s robe in heaven’s court. He was very tall—enormous. He stood up and walked forward, then He stepped down on the earth below. While standing and looking all about Him, many people greeted Him, just like little children would run and hug their father. They laid at His feet; some grabbed onto His ankles and held Him close to them.

As this large crowd gathered, Father began commanding His angel armies to go to different regions to do His bidding. His judgments were being loosed by His hosts to turn this world from wickedness and evil back to Him. No longer was He going to allow wickedness to rule over His land and His people. He was coming as the just Judge of all the earth to bring justice and judgment, and just rewards to the faithful.

Father explained: “Yes, My friend, this is the hour and the season where justice will triumph over injustice…where the oppressed and downtrodden ones will dance, leap and sing for joy over their release from captivity and tribulation. Those who unjustly persecuted and opposed My servants – who were chosen by Me to lead My children—will become like dogs walking on the outskirts looking for scraps to stay alive.”

The next day, on Oct. 11, 2022, Father continued to speak to me about His justice: “Yes, you have seen correctly; I am coming as the just Judge of all the earth, to bring My justice and truth and to deal with the gross injustice that has been inundating this world. Judgment will fall on the wicked and the perpetrators of injustice; it must—My justice demands it!

“Rejoice when you see Us expose evil! Sing of My goodness and My faithfulness to My precious, faithful children. During this time, all will also see the great transfer of wealth that I promised through My prophets. Evil will be exposed and prosecuted, and righteousness will be rewarded and honored.

“It is through My remnant bride that I will issue decrees of judgment and justice. Just as Deborah brought My justice forth with her words, so too will My bride in this hour. Together, we will turn this world around—away from evil and back to its Creator and true God.”

Then in the spirit, once again, I saw Father standing regally as the just Judge in His long, black robe with His people surrounding Him. Then, one by one, they came and stood in front of Father with their backs leaning against His chest. It appeared that they had become one with Him. Then, in a powerful stance, they issued commands with the Father to the hosts to stop the enemies of God, to abort their wicked schemes and to go rescue His children.

It was evident that they were one with the Father! His authority was being used by His faithful ones! Seeing this vision enhanced my understanding of the position we have in Him to make prophetic decrees and how effective they are.

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Donna Rigney and her husband Jack are pastors of His Heart Ministries Int., in North Central Florida. They host a Friday evening service at the Church on the Rock in Bunnell, Florida. Donna has written three powerful books. Two of her prophetic books, “Divine Encounters” and “The Glory of God Revealed,” detail her many riveting encounters with Jesus, where He took her in the spirit to heaven and hell. Donna’s heart’s desire is to impart all of her passion for a life of intimacy with the Holy Spirit, and a hunger for the glory of God.

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