Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘It’s Time for the Greater Things’


Recently, the Lord spoke to me about the harvesters. You can pass what you don’t possess.

Let’s go for more! Let’s possess the land.

We have witnessed unprecedented corruption, threats, wars and natural disasters over the last few years. Now we will flow in unprecedented signs, miracles and wonders.

It is time for the “greater things.” Think outside the box of normality and aim for the greater things.

The Harvest of the Harvesters

The glory of God, the milk of heaven—the honey of His presence—will flow and pickle us in a vortex of His love, grace, mercy and power. This is what will draw out the harvesters for the greatest harvest of disciples in history. It is the harvest of the harvesters.

The glory realm is cracking open the portals of heaven on a level never witnessed before. It’s time for the harvesters to come forth. They will walk, communicate and operate in such a level of glory that people will be drawn to manifestations of heaven like moths to flames.

The enemy attempted to take us off course and abort the calling and assignment of God’s people, but everything will be used for the glory of God. Now God will show Himself with a greater testimony—with greater signs and wonders than we have ever witnessed or imagined.

The healing of the nations will come. The healing for your body is here and the healing of governments is within reach (Rev. 22:1-5).

Say yes to God, say yes to His will for your life and say yes to being a harvester.

Cleaning Out the Closets

On a personal level, God is getting ready to reveal your deepest wounds so that they can be healed, and so that you can not only flow but be the most effective leader that you can be.

God is cleaning out the closets of His people so that they can operate in the spiritual authority that is pure and seeks what is best for the ones they are leading. Those things done in the dark will come to light so that you can be purified in His grace and mercy. Exposure is not about humiliation but about purification (Luke 8:17).

These harvesters are not puffed up with pride and are not spiritually abusive; they lead from a place of humility and love. They understand authority, submit to godly authority and walk with authority. The harvesters will unload all those man-made doctrines that chase away the harvest. They will preach biblical truth with zero hesitation. These harvesters will have the boldness to embrace destiny and run into the battle.

The Wild Ones

God quickly reminded me of the “wild ones” encounter that I had a few years ago. He told me that the wild ones are right on track and will fall in line with the harvesters. As He said this, I watched a scene unfold of wild horses running full throttle into the fight. Don’t count out those whom you thought were too wild to serve the Lord. The wild ones will be the most loyal harvesters.

These harvesters will exceed above and beyond what anyone has ever dreamed or imagined. They will inspire the church to go after the harvest on every highway and hedge (Eph. 3:17-21).

People whom God has called and have not responded will be replaced by leaders who have surrendered entirely to God’s heart. God’s heart is to fully finance this harvest and to invest in the Kingdom of God. Churches that have not been about the Father’s business and have shut their doors will have resources re-routed to Kingdom-minded equipping centers by God.

25,000 Houses of Fire

I had a visitation from Gabriel, the angel, in the year 2000. He said this number to me three times: “25,000.” He also visited Bob Jones. Bob said that this was 25,000 houses of fire, discipleship equipping centers or revival centers. This is because the harvesters need a place to send the harvest.

Is your fellowship ready for the harvest? Are you one of the 25,000 houses of fire?

Derrick Gates is an itinerant conference speaker, author and American filmmaker. He is also the apostolic overseer of 412 Revival Network and is the senior pastor of 412 LA Freedom Center in Los Angeles. Derrick is under Che Ahn and H.I.M network, and is heavily involved in the transformation of the media, entertainment and governmental mountains. Derrick had a radical encounter with Jesus in an outer-body deathbed experience. He traded the life of crime for a life of powerful demonstrations of the glory of God.

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