Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophetic Word: The Breach That Has Blocked America’s Turnaround is Crumbling

Read Time: 3 Minutes 57 Seconds

And the Spirit of the Lord says this day, “The breach has blocked the nation from a complete turn and birthing, what I, the Lord, have spoken forth. However,” says the Lord, “the breach has begun to turn! Going into this turn, there will be pressure, there will be resistance; However,” says the Lord, “put your mind to diligently work and to diligently seek ME, the Lord your God, for I am a rewarder of those who diligently seek Me!”

The Spirit of the Lord says this day, “You are seeing the rumblings, My children, just the rumblings—the tremors—before the shaking, before the turn. For you have just entered a BIG TURN, for I the Lord your God have begun to raise a standard in your nation. When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will raise a standard against him. That standard has indeed begun! And those I have anointed in leadership will have to come up to this standard if they intend for Me, the Lord your God, to bless their leadership. For they will not lead if they do not come in alignment with this standard,” says the Lord.

To the Wicked Leaders

The Spirit of the Lord says this day, “As you have rejected Me, O you wicked leaders, you wicked governors—those in the House … as you have rejected Me and used My name for your furtherance, so I the Lord have now rejected you! You shall see this in the northeast,” says the Lord. “You shall see this on the west coast,” says the Lord. “You shall see this toward the middle of your nation, for I the Lord have rejected them.

“They can warm that seat all they want, for that seat will throw them down,” says the Lord. “It is coming. It is not over,” says the Lord. “For they have taken what is not theirs. They have attempted to usurp. They have utilized devious methods to cause a mirage and illusion that they are the rightful owners of those seats.”

The Sound of the Abundance of Rain

The Spirit of the Lord says this day, “I hear the sound of the abundance of rain. It has merely begun to form a little, and then it shall grow; it shall expand. And at MY word, you shall see the drought end and the rain come, and that will be the indication of another changing of the guard,” says the Lord.

Watch the Mounties in Canada

The Spirit of the Lord says this day, “The mounties in Canada…just watch, for the seats of those leaders have begun to shake. O Canada, cry out to Me, the Lord of hosts, King of kings, for the winds of change have begun to blow into your nation, and leaders will be unseated in unusual ways. You shall hear them say, ‘This is so unusual! How could this be?’ For My ways are higher than your ways, and My thoughts higher than your thoughts.”

The Lord Is Appointing the Zerubbabel’s in This Hour

The Spirit of the Lord says this day, “There shall be paths carved to leadership. Unexpected…” says the Lord. “You shall see the unexpected. You shall see sudden shift’s—’uncovering’s’ that will carve paths to leadership that were not seen before. For I, the Lord your God, am appointing the Zerubbabel’s in this hour—governors who will raise up a standard and hold that standard that I the Lord have begun to raise. A cry shall come out of the House. A cry shall come out of the House,” says the Lord. “For that has just begun to turn,” says the Lord.

A Snatching of the Most Coveted Seats – Thieves Shall Be Robbed!

“A process indeed,” says the Lord. “A process indeed has gone forth, and I the Lord shall snatch the most coveted seats away from the ones who think they are secure.

“Oh, you think in your flesh you are secure,” says the Lord, “that you have manipulated events and circumstances to secure such a seat. However,” says the Lord, “your seats are far from secure, and they shall be snatched from you! For what has been hidden away will be brought out into the open. What has been stolen shall be stolen from them. The thieves shall be robbed themselves,” says the Lord. “All for 30 pieces of silver you have brought condemnation on your soul, heaping coals upon your lives.”

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Amanda Grace and her husband Chris are the founders of Ark of Grace Ministries (located in the beautiful Hudson Valley), walking out the commission in Mark 16:15: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” They minister to all of God’s creation, both people and animals. They prophetically minister and teach, breaking down the Word of God (which is living and active) by examining the Hebrew and Greek roots of the Bible, as well as the times when it was written, to understand the true context of the Scriptures and apply them to life. Another way that Amanda and Chris minister at Ark of Grace is through their animal Sanctuary, where they take in lost, abandoned, disabled animals and show them the love of God. Amanda also takes care of her husband Chris who sustained a traumatic brain injury in January 2019 and miraculously survived. They have both experienced and understand the incredible power of Almighty God and how He redeems! 

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