Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophetic Word: The Arrow of the Lord’s Deliverance is Upon America Now

Read Time: 3 Minutes 38 Seconds

Check out these powerful prophecies by Pastor Hank Kunneman, released on Sunday, Oct. 30, 2022, where the Spirit of the Lord declared that He’s bringing deliverance to the nation of America!

A Song of Deliverance

“Do you remember,” says the Spirit of God, “a song of deliverance as Miriam and the women on the timbrel’s and the harps began to sing a song of deliverance—the song of Moses and the song of the land—declaring that the horse and the rider had been thrown into the sea? It was a song of victory and deliverance of the horse. What they tried to use—the horse—was thrown into the sea.”

Come on! Every attempt to steal, kill or destroy, I prophesy, be thrown into the sea! Be thrown into the sea! And the riders—those that are carrying out an evil agenda – you shall be overthrown by the hand of the Lord.

I stand … I stand over the land now. Turn, turn, turn…the way of righteousness, the way of justice, the way of truth, the way of life… Shatter witchcraft. Shatter the appointments and the schedules of satanic agendas. Scatter them like lightning. The arrow of the Lord’s deliverance is upon America now.

Lift Your Hands and Speak God’s Goodness and Mercy

David said something that I hear the Lord say, “Psalm.” Say it again, Lord. In the book of Psalms—Psalm 141:2—it says, David lifted his hands at the time of the evening sacrifice. Moses lifted his hands. God says, “Your hands, even now, proceed many victories. Do not speak what you see. Do not speak what some will report and want you to believe through your media. But you are to say this is My turning [God’s turning], My turn [God’s turn]. And you are to speak with your hands lifted, and you are to speak what brought an ambush to the enemy, where they turned upon one another in the days of Jehoshaphat. For they said from their mouths, ‘The Lord is good, and His mercy endures forever.’ The greater I hear this from My people, the greater the results will be, and the celebrations and the victory upon this land.”

A Midterm Event—Victory Is Unraveling!

“Must I remind you that at the time of midday, as Elijah stood with the prophets of Baal at the time of the midday, and he spoke and he said, ‘Call upon your god.’ Yet there was no answer. There was no voice and there was no regard.

“What would happen at the time of the midday? What shall happen at the time of your midterm? And yet some anticipate that everything shall come to a head, and everything shall be released at that moment.” But God says, “But yet there was a moment of time—from the midday to the time of the evening sacrifice—that My fire fell and everything came to a turning point, and that which they thought that they could do was consumed with My fire.”

Don’t Be Moved for Goodness Will Overcome Evil

“Why did I put Noah and his family in an arc and I shut them in? Why did I pull Abraham and Lot out of Sodom and Gomorrah? It was to give them a new perspective. Yet there are those that see only evil now. They look and they see only what has transpired at the hands of those who have done evil.”

Yet, God says, “Do you think that I can inject goodness at this time that will overcome evil? Do you not see that I can inject truth that shall outweigh the lies? Therefore, I say, do not put your hopes in just a day, for I am not limited to man’s time or to man’s day. I have said, and I say it to you so you will not be moved. This is My ‘terms.’ This is My ‘turning.’ And believe Me,” says the Lord, “you will see that darkness will not prevail. You will see My light will overcome, and My truth will have its way and its voice in this day,” says the Lord.

Hank and Brenda Kunneman pastor the Lord of Hosts Church, a thriving church in Omaha, Nebraska, and are the founders of One Voice Ministries. Together, the Kunneman’s also host their own nationally and internationally televised weekly program, New Level with Hank and Brenda, airing on Daystar Television Network, Victory Television Network and Faith Broadcasting Network. Pastor Hank has also authored several books including “Prophesy with the Wind of God in Your Mouth,” “My Heart Cries Abba Father,” “The Revealer of Secrets,” “Don’t Leave God Alone” and “Barrier Breakers.” Pastor Brenda is a published author with both Destiny Image and Charisma House with her most recent books being “The Daily Decree,” “The Daily Prophecy,” “Roadmap to Divine Direction,” “Decoding Hell’s Propaganda,” “The Supernatural You,” and “When Your Life Has Been Tampered With.”

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