Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophetic Word on Impeachment: ‘Judge Not, Lest You Be Judged’

Leaders have a responsibility before God to set an example for society. How extraordinary then that vitriol and revenge became the example of Congress through the impeachment of Donald Trump. Instead of choosing healing. they poured gas on the fire of hostility and division now raging in our nation.

All day long the day of the impeachment, I felt a word from the Lord to Congress forming in my spirit. “Judge not, lest you be judged.” God’s standard remains like gravity. And as the impeachment of President Trump for a second time closed, I saw how many members of Congress have literally sealed their own verdict of justice in their lives.

That said, the impeachment of a president is reserved for “high crimes and misdemeanors.” From heaven’s perspective, those lawmakers remaining in alignment with idolatry, pride, unjust bloodshed, abuse of power or position, extortion, slander, sexual abuse and immorality, defamation, deception, rule by prejudice and bias, defrauding constituents, hating their brothers and sisters, trampling upon the poor and so on—these all constitute high crimes and misdemeanors.

I love how the Lord summed up the contrast between godly rulership and this criminal activity to William Penn, humble founder of Pennsylvania: Those who rule must rule as Jesus did, by laying their lives down on behalf of their constituents. No cross, no crown. This is a godly plumb line from which all government leaders are to be evaluated.

And I sensed the verdict from God’s throne over impeachment is that those remaining in alignment with high crimes and misdemeanors will be judged by Him in accordance with how they have meted out judgment against others. As always, what the enemy meant for evil, God is ultimately turning for good—His time, His way. But I heard the Lord saying that “now, truly, everything changes. And My crown prevails.”

Judge not, lest you be judged. And I even sensed Him saying, “Why did you not tremble when your covenant with death and hell was annulled? Why did you not amend your ways when My own hand appeared to write on the wall of your hearts? For I say to you, I will mete out to you according to your works. For some have even bowed their knee to the Baals and have even become willing accomplices in sorcery. You have held My people hostage for your political gain. You have defrauded people and nations of their inheritance. You have even dared to shed the blood of My innocents and have fed their remains to the beasts of your deep swamp.

“And the sovereign King says yes. So you have captured your seats illicitly through leveraging and deception, claiming a manufactured victory that even yielded your nation’s sovereignty in part to foreign entities.

“Yet you have not taken it to heart that I was the one who put the hook in your jaw and drew you to this very place at this very moment of decision for yourself and for your nation.

“And in this game of truth or dare, know that the truth is by no means hidden from My eyes,” declares the Lord. “I have dared you to defy Me, and you have responded in your pride. You have chosen a covenant with hell but beware, for the realm of hell you have chosen as a dwelling is actually eternal. The gates of hell have thus been shrunk to accommodate your diminished stature. And as with all of My creation, in My justice, you shall no longer avoid reaping what you sow, but shall instead be given over to your misguided choices and their consequences.”

Judge not, and you will not be judged. For in the same manner as you judge others, you yourself will be judged. “MENE, MENE TEKEL UPHARSIN” (Dan. 5:25b). Amen. {eoa}

Jon and Jolene Hamill are passionate followers of Jesus Christ. They love to share His heart and word nationally and internationally through ministry and media. Founders of Lamplighter Ministries, they reside in the metro Washington, D.C. area. Jon and Jolene are the authors of the recently published book Crown and Throne: A Field Guide to Spiritual Revolution, which has gained widespread popularity across the nation. LAMPostings are focused on sharing real-time prophetic revelation and prayer points from Washington, D.C., and is regularly enjoyed by thousands. In addition, they have authored numerous prophetic teachings, which have appeared on the Elijah List, in Charisma magazine and other publications.

This article originally appeared at

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