Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Prophetic Word for the Coming Election: Releasing of God’s Glory

I would like to preface that this word comes as a warning, by saying that God is powerfully at work to bring forth something marvelous in the world! The darkness and the chaos are not the end of it, and the devil does not have the last say; he is limited in what he can do even though it may appear he has free reign right now. Daniel 7:25 that the devil’s intention is to change times and laws, however it is God alone who controls times and seasons.

Daniel 2:20-22 says:

“Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, for wisdom and might are His. It is He who changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and sets up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who know understanding. He reveals the deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with Him.”

Over these feast days we are presently in, beginning with Rosh Hashanah, there has been much activity in the spiritual realms setting the stage for the beginning of a significant move of God. Over Rosh Hashanah, Ruth Bader Ginsberg died; seven days prior to her death, the Lord asked one of His prophetic voices, Munday Martin, to pray for her. Over the following weekend marked by Yom Kippur, Donald Trump appointed Amy Coney Barret to fill her vacant seat. Then as we approached the weekend of the Feast of Tabernacles, Donald Trump tested positive for the coronavirus.

What does this all mean? It means God has arisen with the intent to scatter His enemies. It means He is moving and arising now to answer the prayers of the saints.

In the aftermath of Donald Trump’s positive test, the Lord began to show me certain things that would now be coming into play as a result.

First, God is amplifying the distinction between darkness and light; this is evidenced in the rising level of the ugly demonic hatred targeting the president of the United States, revealed in the words of all those who wish him death. The evil in the heart of man is bubbling up to the surface and being revealed for all to see. The line between good and evil is becoming more distinct with each passing day.

Our Words Matter

The second thing God highlighted was that there are consequences to the words being spoken. The Scriptures tell us that by our words we will be justified and by our words we will be condemned. God’s Word and His precepts function as laws in the universe and cannot be revoked by man, and when activated, come with consequences. Galatians 6:7 declares: “Be not deceived. God is not mocked. For whatever a man sows, that will he also reap.”

Whatever—good or evil, a man sows he shall reap—this is an established law of God. It also says in Matthew 7:2 that in the same measure you dole out judgment, it will be measured back to you. Knowing and understanding the truth of this word, in 2016, prior to the election, after the tapes were revealed, I became deeply concerned by the amount of people who were angrily judging Donald Trump. I was concerned because I knew that those who judged him would reap the consequences of the exposure of sins in their own lives. Shortly after, that is exactly what happened, as numerous senators, government leaders, Hollywood celebrities and prominent people began to be exposed for sexual sin and the #MeToo movement began. The consequence of this continues to this day, as every type of sexual sin is being exposed and even resulting in numerous arrests.

Even so, I am presently even more concerned as so many have used their voices to wish harm and even death on the president, blind to the fact that this is an open invitation for oppressing demons to now begin to bring sickness and death into many lives. With their own mouths they are summoning the spirit of death. To help counteract this, it is now important for the church to stand in the gap, release forgiveness, cry out for mercy and repent on behalf of these people.

God Will Get The Glory

In regard to President Trump’s positive test and the upcoming election, God has used it for good on many fronts. One is to endear him to the hearts of the people; He is also removing the administration’s strength to bring forth a victory. A win for the Trump administration will not be seen as a result of brilliant strategy, energy, charisma or personality. The controls are being removed, and God is arising to show Himself strong and mighty, and He is now assuming control. When Donald Trump wins, God will receive all the glory, as it will be seen as a miraculous win; no one will be able to understand or point to anything that brought it about.

When Gideon was going to war against the much stronger Midianites, God reduced Israel’s army from 22,000 to 300 men, thereby removing the possibility for the nation to boast and say their own strength had done it. God is ensuring that that victory will be seen as only from Him. The world will see God move to bless and they will fear, as it says in Psalm 67:7: “God will bless us, and all the ends of the earth will fear Him.”

In the same way, God has determined that there will be victory in the elections, that the body of Christ will begin to cross over with mighty signs and wonders, and He alone will be lifted up and glorified before all.

“Lift your rods and shout,” God says. “As this battle belongs to Me and I alone will be exalted. Donald Trump has served My purposes and My will and he is My son, but I am taking over to bring forth My will, as it will not be by might nor by power, or by any natural strength or charisma, but victory will be by My Spirit alone. I alone will be exalted in the earth.”

The Bad Roots Must Be Removed

God has great things prepared for His people and the world for this decade, but before it can be released, He must remove the bad roots. God highlighted this in a memory of an incident with my son Jesse when he was just 2 years old. One day I noticed a sore on his thigh that then turned into an ugly boil. I was told to put heat on it, and that would work to draw out the infection and bring it to a head. When the day came where it appeared it was ready to burst, I prepared to extract the infection. As a mother, I was very nervous, as I knew it would be a very painful procedure. I took a deep breath and pressed to get the infected pus out. He immediately began to scream and looked at me with horror. I felt so terrible but had to press again to make sure everything was out, I then cleaned and bandaged it.

I then heard the Lord say: “Pain is coming!” Just as the human body must expel all toxins, bacteria and infection to remain healthy, this principle works in every sphere and also in the spiritual body of Christ—the hidden infection must be uncovered and removed.

Click here to continue to read this prophetic word from Faith Baczko.

Click here to hear the full podcast episode of The Sound of the Trumpet on the Charisma Podcast Network. {eoa}

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