Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophetic Word: 7 Years of Abundance for the Righteous Remnant in the Midst of Famine

In the early hours of the morning on Sept. 24, 2022, I heard the Father say, “Watch! For the next seven years there will be short supply for the wicked, as I strip the stiff-necked and rebellious of their wealth and fortunes.

“Yes! But watch, for in the midst of famine, there shall be seven years of abundant supply for My righteous remnant! For that which was stored up by the hands of the wicked shall now be given into the hands of My righteous ones.

“Watch! For this will be that which has long been prophesied by the mouths of My prophets, for now a great transfer of wealth has begun.”

A Line in the Sands of Time

As I heard those words, I saw an hourglass come up before me, and I saw the grains of sand within the hourglass; the grains looked as if they were suspended in time.

Then I heard these words: “A divine, pregnant pause…nations in the Valley of Decision; nations in midst of birthing!”

Suddenly, I saw the finger of God come down and draw a line in the sands of time, and I heard these words: “The battle lines have been drawn! For it is time to draw a line in the sand.

“Look! For the old has gone! Behold, I do a new thing! Do you see it? For it now springs forth!”

Seed Time and Harvest

Suddenly I saw the grains of sand begin to fall again, and a great acceleration started to take place within the hourglass; the grains of sand began to fall rapidly.

Then I watched as the grains of sand became grains of seed, and I heard these words:

“Seed time and harvest have begun! For the days are here when the reaper will be overtaken by the plowman, and the planter by the one treading grapes! New wine will drip from the mountains, and flow from the hills!”

It’s Time for New Wine and Acceleration

Then I saw the seed within the hourglass turn to wine, and I heard these words: “Watch! For the miracle I did at first, where water was turned into wine, so shall I do again in these coming days.

“For even now, a greater acceleration shall move upon the sands of time; for the times and seasons are in My hand.

“Watch as the old wineskins shall fall away, and the new wineskins shall come forth; and I shall pour out My Spirit upon all flesh!”

Two Altars: The Dismantling of the Old and the Rising of the New

After hearing these words, suddenly I saw the mountain of business and government; and a complete dismantling to the financial structures that we have known began to rapidly take place.

I saw an altar rising. It was an altar to the beast, to the kingdom of this world. Then I heard these words: “Watch, for the beginning of a cashless system and society shall suddenly begin to rise. But watch!”

Suddenly, I saw a second altar rise; it was an altar to the kingdom of God. I heard these words:

“For two altars will rise in the coming days—one to the beast and one to the King of kings. For I shall raise up a new financial system in the midst of a global financial crisis that will bring forth a great transfer of wealth for the advancement of My kingdom purposes in the earth!”

Veronika West has been anointed and appointed by God as a prophetic voice to the nations. Veronika has a heart to see everyone in the Body of Christ fully activated and released in their Kingdom identity, purpose and destiny. Being born and raised in Africa, she also has a passion for deliverance ministry and seeing the hand of God set free the captives that are bound. She enjoys teaching the Word of God through practical application and supernatural impartation. Veronika heads up Ignite Ireland Ministries, and currently teaches a broad range of prophetic truths to those who are actively seeking to walk in deeper realms and dimensions of the prophetic ministry and office.



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