Prophetic Vision: Do You Have Mercy to Give for This Coming Revival?

I saw in a vision the heart of the Lord Jesus for this coming revival. I saw in the Spirit a vision of a wave of the fist of God, made up of all five fingers.

Each finger represented the appointed offices of the apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher curling into the crest of a wave. As I looked closer, I noticed this wave was made of people. This wave is more significant than any single office; it is bigger than any single denomination or a specific person. It is a wave of the people of God, reaching the four corners of the earth with the glory and knowledge of God.

I watched as this wave flooded streets, and people told others about the goodness of Jesus and His finished work. I watched as bodies were healed, hearts were touched with the love of God and people received good they did not deserve. The result was that the Lord Jesus became famous for His mercy, healing and goodness.

Again, this is not about one specific person other than Jesus. We must exalt Jesus and Jesus alone. It is not the anointed man or woman you need to know; it is the anointed one. He is the glorious one, and we merely point to His beautiful face.

Beloved, the Lord took me to the Acts 3. He impressed within my heart how this is a sign and a wonder to the unbelieving nation of Israel and to us today.

If you are struggling with your walk with God—if you are lame in your feet—the Lord Jesus can make you whole, so you can walk with Him in this coming revival and give mercy to those who do not deserve it. But to give away His mercy, you must first receive it.

In this episode of Revealing Jesus, I bring Jesus out of the Scriptures to reveal how the miracle of the lame man healed in Acts 3 is a sign and wonder to those walking in darkness, pointing to our beautiful Lord Jesus. Discover how He can heal our lameness, so we can walk with Him.

The changing of our minds to the New Covenant of grace is paramount to what the Lord is doing on the earth today. Learn how changing our mindset to focus on Jesus and His work is the way we receive mercy—not by fixing our focus on religious law-keeping through the Mosaic law.

Times of refreshing are coming. Look to Jesus today! {eoa}

Listen to this week’s episode of Revealing Jesus with Christina Perera.

Check out this entire Scripture-filled article on my blog, “Revival Is Coming, Do You Have Mercy to Give?” Be sure to visit the store to get your One Collection shirt—one King, one body and one heart. With one mission, we reach a lost, hurting and dying world! Be sure to subscribe to the show and never miss another episode!

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