Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Prophetic Dream: US Military Decimated by COVID-19 Vaccines

The prospect of the United States Armed Forces being wiped out by COVID-19 injections has been shared by numerous writers in numerous publications. Motivations for the illegal mandate to be vaccinated are held in question by many people.

One approach to figuring out evil intentions is to observe the end result. Often, the end result is indeed the motivation behind evil. It’s plain to see.

Many people have come to the same conclusion upon observing the deaths of many people who have received such vaccinations. Death by injection has been widely reported by many medical doctors, nurses, undertakers, funeral home directors, loved ones, victims before dying and others worldwide. Among the deceased are many military personnel.

Recently, I dreamed I was the chaplain on a military base. My chaplain assistant from Fort Lee, Virginia, Jared Crow, who, along with his wife, is a devout member of the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints, was with me in this dream. For some reason, I was also serving as the commander of one of the units on the base in this dream, which has been known to rarely occur on small military contingencies.

I dreamed that all military personnel on my base were dead. I had rightly discerned the probable reason. Then I approached a civilian official who came on base. She knew what I wanted to know. I inquired of her what her perspective was. She confirmed that they all died from AIDS, not due to sexual immorality or drug abuse, but from COVID-19 injections. I continued on my way to analyze the situation with my assistant. Then this dream ended.

I awoke and did some research. Mac Slavo, in a March 9 article on titled “New Zealand Ruling Class Data Suggests the Fully ‘Vaccinated’ Are Getting AIDS,” states, “New Zealand’s ruling class has released data showing that those who are fully ‘vaccinated’ are getting acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or AIDS. The newly released data is showing a major degradation of the immune system.”

I also found an article titled, “COVID-19 Vaccines in Children and Adolescents,” in Pediatrics: Official Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics which shows that children are approved for COVID-19 vaccinations, while another article in the same publication appears to me to perhaps be prepping children for HIV.

Furthermore, I found that in the past several months, nine active-duty soldiers stationed at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, were found dead in their bunk beds, and their discharge papers gave no cause of death. It has been said that they received the COVID-19 vaccination.

The possibility of COVID-19 vaccines causing AIDS or killing people for other reasons, may explain The Wall Street Journal‘s Nov. 8 article, “China’s Army Furnishes Foreign Militaries with COVID-19 Vaccines,” and why the U.S. military, under the leadership of Communist China sympathizers, has been mandating that military personnel receive the injections.

This article contains the second half of a speech given in 2005 by General Chi Haotian, formerly the Chinese Communist Party’s vice chairman of the Peoples’ Liberation Army, on the necessity of using biological weapons to kill 200 million Americans.

Meanwhile, “Pfizer released documents last week that show that the company’s own data does not support the claim that their COVID-19 vaccines are ‘safe and effective,'” per Steve Kirsch’s article, “10+ Things You Should Know about the New Pfizer Documents. The article continues, “Pfizer seemingly lied to the FDA by claiming their vaccines prevent COVID-19, and the FDA and mainstream media then lied to the American people repeating this false claim.”

As William Casey, former director of the CIA, said in 1981, “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

But we have hope through Christ and the wisdom He has given us. Let us not trust in governments nor humankind. Rather, may this verse encourage us: “No temptation has taken you except what is common to man. God is faithful, and He will not permit you to be tempted above what you can endure, but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that you may be able to bear it” (1 Cor. 10:13). {eoa}

James F. Linzey is a retired US Army chaplain with the rank of major, having honorably served for nearly 24 years in the U.S. Air Force and the U.S. Army. Soon to have a series on the Charisma Podcast Network titled The Baptism with the Holy Spirit, he is a bestselling author, speaker, award-winning recording artist and television host.

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