Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Prophetic Decrees to Start Your Day With Power

Make these powerful declarations to drive the devil out of your life.

Are you tired of seeing the enemy throw a curve ball in your day-to-day plans? Are you frustrated by the way things have panned out?

Did you know that you have been given power by God to change situations and not allow situations to change you? Fight back with spirit-filled anointed words that will transform your life through prophecy. The Bible says that if you decree a thing it will be established (Job 22:28).

As Christian believers, we are seated in heavenly places right now with Christ Jesus; we must listen, pray, rule and engage from that dimension. We are between the best of two worlds—heaven and Earth! Heaven wants to come to the Earth and only comes through you—the believer. God desires that the glory of the knowledge of Him will fill the Earth through you as well. Prophetic decrees from the throne of God in heaven release God’s purposes (Job 22:28).

It is through the decree that is released from God that people of a region arise and fulfill the will of God as in the days of Ezra (Ezra 1:1–5). God was active then, and He will be active today in your life. God is as essential to our daily activities as the very air we breathe. The desire of God’s heart is for us to involve Him in our daily schedule.

We have to make ourselves available to partner with heaven if we want to see remarkable changes in our lives. One of the lethal weapons against God’s people is ignorance. God’s people perish because of lack of knowledge (Hos. 4:6).

This is the time to take back your day! There are angels that are unemployed due to the fact that we are not asking God to release them to carry out His will for our lives. Angels hearken unto the voice of the Lord and God wants to use our voice to release the angels to bring to pass His will (Ps. 103:20). Employ them with your voice! God has a prophetic word for you to start your day: 

God Fights for His Beloved

Just when you think you have everything figured out, life throws a curve ball your way. My child, I have given you wisdom, determination, passion and zeal to break through any restriction. When you feel like throwing in the towel, don’t! I’ve come to you this morning to encourage you, to fortify you and to equip you to endure whatever happens. The enemy wants you to strike out, so he throws whatever he can to push you to the breaking point.

But you were never built to break down but to break through. When trouble comes, let Me keep you safe from all harm. It may appear the enemy has the advantage, but he is defeated. Know I have wired you to win the war. I will fight for you and come to your rescue like a mother eagle swoops down to catch her eaglets when they fall. No situation or person is stronger, mightier, or greater than Me.

Now is Your Time to Prophesy

I DECREE AND DECLARE that I will not be defeated.

I DECREE AND DECLARE that I am an overcomer in Christ Jesus.

I DECREE AND DECLARE that today I have victory over my past.

I DECREE AND DECLARE that when the enemy comes to eat up my flesh, he shall stumble and fall.

I DECREE AND DECLARE that I walk in the love of Christ and bless those who curse me in Jesus’ name.

I DECREE AND DECLARE that I have the full armor of God upon me.

I DECREE AND DECLARE that I am anointed, chosen and called of the Lord.

I DECREE AND DECLARE that every illegal barrier, hindrance, restriction and limitation is broken in Jesus’ name.

I DECREE AND DECLARE I will be slow to speak and quick to hear.

I DECREE AND DECLARE that I will not be held back from reaching my full potential.

I DECREE AND DECLARE that my family, finances, relationships, friendships, properties and assets are protected in Jesus’ name. {eoa}

Dr. Hakeem Collins is a new prophetic voice and governmental minister with a unique anointing in the prophetic, healings and the supernatural. He is a sought-after conference speaker, produces a weekly radio program called “The VOICE,” and is the author of the recently released prophetic devotional, Heaven Declares. He is CEO of Champions International based in Wilmington, Delaware, where he resides.

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