Prophecy: Use November as a Month of Rest and Revelation

Read Time: 4 Minutes, 8 Seconds

As we entered the month of November, I felt an immediate release of pressure and a peace.

October was a great month of warfare and opposition. It’s not because it’s the month of Halloween but, there is and great transition taking place as we stepped into the new Hebrew year 5783.

Paul said in 1 Corinthians 16:9 (NLT), “There is a wide-open door for a great work here, although many oppose me.” Opposition will always greet you at the door of transition. But God is greater.

November is the 11th month of the year, which prophetically can represent transition and chaos. On the other side of transition and chaos is rest and peace. Although, there will continue to be measure of chaos going on in our nation and the world, as the people of God, we don’t have to be subject to that.

There is a lot of movement taking place right now in the nations. I see the Lord sitting at a chess table making moves to counteract the moves of the enemies. I see shifting of powers in nations. Pay attention in this time to leaders of nations. Some will suddenly die and some will be removed from power. We must pray for righteous leaders to rise not only in America but across the world.

November happens to coincide with the Hebrew month Kislev, the ninth month in the Hebrew calendar. In the month of Kislev, we are to enter into His rest by learning a new level of trust. As you enter His rest, it will enable you to have greater vision and clarity. Greater clarity will help you to see things that have been hindering your walk and getting in the way of your relationships. In this time, you must guard and cover your relationships against betrayals and broken covenants.

In Genesis 37:9 it says, “Soon Joseph had another dream, and again he told his brothers about it. Listen, I have had another dream,” he said. “The sun, moon, and eleven stars bowed low before me!” There are two insights to gather from this verse. First, we must guard our dreams and revelation. Use wisdom and discretion who to share those things with. Not everyone has a grid for what God is doing in your life. Second, after Joseph shared his dream about seeing the eleven stars his brothers turned on him. Be mindful since this is the eleventh month.

When there is rest, there is revelation. Rest releases fresh revelation, insights, and downloads. As you rest in this time, the Lord is going to give you fresh strategies. Kislev is connected with the tribe of Benjamin. Benjamin was very good with the bow.

Be encouraged, as you go into 2023 God has new insight and war strategies that will ready and position you for the warfare to come. Even though this can and is a time of chaos, you can have peace in the midst. Peace is one of your greatest weapons of warfare. The peace of God releases the government of God (Isaiah 9:6).

The peace of God is the seedbed of revelation. I encourage you in this season to remove those things that have been stealing your peace. Your peace is too costly to give away. Take stock of your relationships and weigh them. Do they have what it takes to endure this next season with you? As you let go of old relationships, it’s making room for new alignments and kingdom relationships that will add to you in this next season.

When you seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, he will add to you what you need (Matt 6:33). A part of that is relationships. Relationships are a commodity and transaction in the realm of the spirit. Stay focused in this time and keep your eyes on Him. What you need will be added to you.

Also, as you seek His kingdom, the Lord is realigning those things in your heart that have not been in alignment with His.

What you honor and place value on God will respond to. One of the life messages that Joseph carried was stewardship. The more we learn how to steward and manage dreams, visions, revelations, and the things of God the more He can trust us with more.

God is looking for those who can steward the mysteries of the kingdom. In 1 Corinthians 4:1-2 Paul says, “Let a man so consider us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful” Stewards are those that manage and administrate.

A key to promotion in this time is staying faithful to the process God has you in and managing what he gives you charge over.

I encourage you in this season take time to rest and reset as we get ready to go into 2023. Throughout the Bible, there are many examples of when God put man into a deep rest where great encounters and transformation took place in the lives of Adam, Abraham, Jacob, and others. Rest will release the revelation and wisdom you need in this season. “Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament, and those who turn many to righteousness Like the stars forever and ever (Daniel 12:3).”

Madeline James is a prophetic voice and scribe from Lexington, Ky. She is the author of several books, including Prophetic Protocol. She is also the blogger of Nabi’s Pen. She releases the heart of the Father through dreams, insights and revelations. Madeline is an itinerant minister that travels, releasing the Word of the Lord to propel the body of Christ forward.

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