Prophecy: Restoration Is Coming

On Jan. 13, 2023, during my prayer time, the Lord brought me to a beautiful beach in the spirit. While walking in the spirit beside Jesus along the seashore, I felt a very strong wind blowing on us.

Jesus explained, “Change is coming worldwide. The wind of My Spirit will blow and bring great changes. All that is not rooted in ts will be blown away and uncovered for all to see.

“My Spirit will bring a great refreshing to those who stood fast and cried out on behalf of their nations for My perfect will to be done here on earth as it is in heaven. Cling fast to us, and you will not be moved when this great shaking happens.”

On Jan. 16, 2023, upon hearing troubling reports about worldwide famine and other predictions of terrible global events, I brought My concerns to Father. He said, ”If I don’t intervene, that is the plan the enemy has—to destroy your nation and the nations of this world. But I am going to act in this hour. Their wicked schemes will be exposed, and those things planned will be stopped suddenly! Starvation, plagues, deadly viruses and poverty are all part of his bag of tricks, as well as to corrupt the morals of the people. He will be stopped, and those who follow closely behind him will be stopped as well. Many will leave his camp as their blind eyes are opened.”

While Father told me about this upcoming change, I remembered a terrible accident I had seen a few months ago. A car was overturned on the opposite side of the road. State police, local police and rescue vehicles were scattered all about the road. Those who were on that side of the road were at a total standstill for at least five miles. On our side of the road, the cars slowed down to observe what had happened, but we were not affected by the accident at all.

The Lord revealed to me that this was a prophetic picture of what is coming. There will be a great overturning and exposure of all that has been hidden for everyone to see. Those who follow the good shepherd will not be hurt in any way by this great shaking and overturning, but those who follow the wicked will be brought to a sudden standstill. The military (represented by the state police) will be involved in this event.

In 2023, Father Will Defend His Children!

On Friday, Dec. 30, 2022, I heard Father say: “Like a good father who protects his child from bullies, I am going to show up in this upcoming year and defend Mine! I will make the bullies give back what they stole; that includes the freedom they stole from My children. Destinies will be restored along with the finances that were taken. Paychecks and jobs will be restored. A year of restoration and redemption is upon you. The enemy will retreat like a dog with his tail between his legs. Shame—great shame—will be the portion of those who let the enemy use them to heap injustice on this world.

“Retaliation will be their portion as justice falls, unabated, on all their wicked deeds. They will be made to return all they stole! The just judge of all the earth has spoken! No one can overrule My decisions! Rejoice, for the days ahead will be filled with the sound of My children’s sighs of relief. Gloom and doom chased after them, but now they will evict doom and gloom from their midst.

“Hope is being restored! Joy will not evade My children but will fill their lives. A great rejoicing will fill the land!”

On Jan. 2, 2023, Father declared: “More than enough will My glory be to satisfy the hunger of My people. Those who are hungry for justice, truth, love, wisdom and peace will receive exactly what they have longed for, and cried out in faith for. Even the provision they needed will be supplied, as we make the enemy give back what they stole from the innocent. All My children have cried out for shall be supplied in My ‘glory explosion’!”

Three Encounters with the Chariot of Fire

“He rode a chariot of thunderclouds amidst thick darkness; His steed was a cherub, soaring on outstretched wings of Spirit-Wind” (Ps. 18:9b, TPT).

Recently, I have had three encounters involving a chariot of fire. This chariot looked like it was made of crystal-clear glass. In the first two encounters, Father flew far above us, very high in the sky.

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Donna Rigney and her husband, Jack, are pastors of His Heart Ministries International in North Central Florida. They host a Friday evening service at the Church on the Rock in Bunnell, Florida. Donna has written three powerful books. Two of her prophetic books, “Divine Encounters” and “The Glory of God Revealed,” detail her many riveting encounters with Jesus, where He took her in the spirit to heaven and hell. Donna’s heart’s desire is to impart all of her passion for a life of intimacy with the Holy Spirit and a hunger for the glory of God. Donna has appeared on “Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural” and also can be seen on Elijah Streams and as a contributing prophetic voice on the Elijah List. She has appeared frequently on her YouTube channel, Donna Rigney Ministries, with other anointed ministers.



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