Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophecy: God Is Beginning to Separate His Remnant Right Now

Threshing Floors

Before prayer Sunday night at church, the Lord directed me to 2 Samuel 24:18-25, and Monday night the Lord directed me to look up the definition of threshing floors. As I did, I began to research what they were used for, and this is what I found:

“Threshing floors were used to separate grain from the chaff at harvest time.”

This was usually a two-step process. First, the cut stalks of grain were spread on the threshing floor and a threshing sledge was pulled over the stalks by oxen. The sledge was a simple wooden sled or heavy board with stone or metal spikes on the bottom that would break the heads of grain from the stalks (Isa. 41:15-16).

The same thing could be accomplished by having the oxen trample the stalks (Deut. 25:4) or by beating them with heavy sticks (Judg. 6:11).

The second step was to toss the broken stalks into the air. The wind would blow the lighter chaff to one side, while the heavier grain would fall back onto the floor, the grain could then be gathered. Winnowing is this process of separating grain from chaff by wind (Ruth 3:2, Isa. 30:24).

Because of the need for wind, threshing floors were normally located on hilltops or in large open fields and were often used as landmarks (Gen. 50:10, 2 Sam. 6:6) or meeting places (1 Kings 22:10). Threshing floors were critical to the harvest and to the life of the people, they were highly valued.

Because of this, they were often subject to attack (1 Sam. 23:1). 1 Samuel 23 says, “Then they told David, ‘Listen, the Philistines are fighting against Keilah, and they are looting the threshing floors.'” And the Bible says that God raised up David to go and defeat the Philistines who were robbing the threshing floors because God had enough of it!

Keep in mind that Saul was king during this time, and he was being unfaithful to his duties as king. God appointed David to save Keilah, and David did just that. After reading this, I sought the Lord to show me the significance of what I learned.

Significance for Today

We are in the biggest reset in the church’s history, and God is setting the remnant apart, just as the threshing floor was a place that was used to separate the grain from the chaff. In the same way, God is separating the remnant from the church, and these are the ones who will stand for God, even when no one else will, even to the point of dying for their faith.

We have raised up celebrity pastors who are more concerned with being people pleasers instead of kingdom seekers. God is raising up the remnant in churches across the nation who will be presence-driven in these last days and be places to house the glory of God, and deliverance, healing and breakthrough will be evident in these houses, says the Lord!

The Lord began to speak to me that his children will be able to distinguish what is real from what is hype. He said signs, wonders and miracles will be evident, and change will be in the houses that are part of the remnant the Lord is raising up.

The Lord says, “The remnant I am raising up will be more concerned about coming to the threshing floor pure and holy, for I am setting them apart for my glory so that I can reveal my glory through these. For this is their season to do all I’ve called them to do!”

God is calling those to be radical and sold out for Him so that many will experience something real and genuine that will forever change them! God is looking for the ones like David who will go and be willing and available to be used by God any way He sees fit.

He wants us to be glory chasers, and no matter where we go, we are to show the world that we have been with Jesus. Signs, wonders and miracles will flow through our hands no matter where we go.

The remnant God is raising up is one that will ask God consistently to burn away everything in them that doesn’t show God. They know only those fully set apart will operate in signs, wonders and miracles. “My glory will be evident in and through them because of their devotion to Me,” says the Lord.

“Ready or not, awakening and revival is coming to America, and many will see the glory of God revealed. They will know My plan for them is great and mighty, even though they suffer for me. I will see to it that they will be blessed in ways they can’t even imagine! Behold I am separating my remnant from the church for such a time as this!” {eoa}

Randal Lee is a dynamic speaker and writer with a passion for the prophetic. While Randal makes his home in Madison, Mississippi, he has spent much of his time in ministry traveling and speaking to churches all over the country.

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