Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophecy: A Prophetic Insight Into the Roe v. Wade Reversal

Charisma Media archives

The halls of heaven are rejoicing in the victory for life. The grief our Lord knows over the death of millions of babies in the name of secular humanism, the beast of Revelation 13, has been tempered by our Supreme Court’s decision to send the future of abortion back to the states of America.

After Jesus was born, King Herod slaughtered the innocent babies and children in Israel. He acted to kill the Messiah in order to retain his throne in Jerusalem. Soon, Herod died a horrible death in judgment for his crimes, while Jesus grew in wisdom and stature to die for our salvation.

Pharaoh had the male babies of the Hebrews killed to try to stop God’s deliverer from setting the Jews free from their bondage. Moses was miraculously saved from this death to become God’s leader. He set the Hebrews free, leading them to the Promised Land to fulfill God’s covenant to Abraham. Pharaoh’s child and the sons of his people would suffer the judgment of God.

I do not address the political triumph of the Court’s decision, but I point out the prophetic judgments of God that will fall upon our leaders for their actions against the unborn babies. Revelation 9 says they will not repent, but their hearts will grow cold and they will reject God’s call to humble themselves.

I proclaim the connection of the return of Jesus our Messiah to the slaughter of innocents by a world obsessed with defending the killing of the most innocent of life. As Herod and Pharaoh killed babies to prevent the Messiah’s salvation of God’s people the first time, so the world has slaughtered over a billion and a half babies to try to stop Jesus from coming again.

God’s prophecies cannot be silenced by the sinful acts of power-hungry people. Jesus is coming. The murder of the innocents is yet another sign of God’s judgment and the fulfillment of His prophetic word.

Look for the judgments of God to increase as the season of preparing for Jesus’ return accelerates and draws near. The world will rise up in its desperate rebellion against the truth and laws of God. We saw it last week in the anger, hatred and threats of those who demand abortion.

Know this: Abortion is not the empowering of women’s rights, but it enables men to abuse women by forcing them into abortions, as their stories have been told often by those same women who have suffered abortion at the lusts of men.

Abortion also falls into the evil system of Babylon under the leadership of Satan. Do not be deceived into thinking the war is over. The persecution of Jews and Christians and those who stand for life will only increase.

How will we respond? In love, in our helping women who find themselves pregnant, in the call to life, and in our labor for Jesus to prepare the way for His return. As Paul wrote in I Corinthians 15, our labor is not in vain. Jesus is coming to make all things new. Those who stand against His truth will be judged. Those who fight the good fight of faith will live forever in the light of His glory. Be alert and be ready. Jesus is coming suddenly and soon. We have much work to do.

Pray for the protection of the unborn and of pregnant women. Pray for safety for pregnancy crisis centers, churches and our communities. Be vigilant against the evils of Satan and secular humanism. Know the truth about the abortion issue and speak the truth in love to those who are deceived.

Get involved to help pregnant women. Let us overwhelm them with our love and support. Vote for life. Pray, “Come, Lord Jesus, come!”

Blake Lorenz has pastored in the Orlando area for 34 years and has been blessed with the opportunity to evangelize globally, visiting five continents and preaching the gospel to tens of thousands. Blake has also helped plant 500 churches. He has been working in Israel for the past 20 years, including serving on the board of the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast in connection with the Knesset. In 2020, and the Awaken podcast launched to teach and challenge others to join Blake on a journey of anticipating the return of Jesus. He has used the three books he’s written in his seminars and conferences. He and his wife, Beverly, share three children and six grandchildren.

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