Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

In 2004, I took daily walks around our California neighborhood. This particular morning, I was impressed with Psalm 91. As I looked around, I saw in the spirit all sorts of large wings over the homes. Some were broken; some had only one wing; some had two, large wings; and some with none at all. I began to seek the Lord as to what this meant. He impressed on me that those homes who had no wings or one wing or broken wings … for some reason had come out from the covering of the Lord, as put forth in Psalm 91, and were not under His covering at all.

I inquired of the Lord, “What is the secret place?” What was impressed on me was that the secret place was the intimate knowledge of His love for us, not a closet or physical domain. Know God loves us so much that nothing happens outside His awareness and His permission and will, and that as long as we stay in this “secret” place, His wings are over us! Not only that, once we get there, nothing can separate us from that love (Rom. 8:38, 39) or protection!

Well, He was about to give me a firsthand demonstration, one of many!

I got back to the house and, at the time, had dial-up Internet access. I tried repeatedly to get online and was not successful. I then picked up the phone and there was no dial tone! No connection to the phone meant no calls or Internet. At that point, I decided to call my landline from my cellphone. Well, the landline rang! I could receive calls but not dial out. I then called the phone company and told them what was going on. What they told me was that there was a widespread outage in the area and there is no way my phone could have even rung. They were aware of the issue and were going to repair it.

In the meantime, I was searching for the spiritual significance of this event and was thanking God that I was protected from missing any calls and that I had a means to dial out from my cellphone; that He had this under control and that His wings were fully operational and that He was my connection to the outside world. He also showed me we were not held hostage by the report of man or the phone company and that His report and results superseded what was in the natural.

So, at that time, I had Psalm 91 on my heart a lot. Even when the winds were blowing so hard two weeks ago, we did not lose power. Folks all around us did! He showed me that I need not fear, no matter what was swirling around us … and that His love is so wide and so high and so protective at all times and in all circumstances.

The assurance of God’s presence was so comforting and strengthening! I felt this was a message for all of us, especially with the uncertain times and circumstances. He is the power source in any power outage or trial!

This is not the first time He has shown us His protection; however, I feel He is calling His body to do a “wing check.” His de-icers are operational and ready to do their jobs. How are your wings today? If they are not in place or broken, now is the time to get back under the shadow of His wings.

Especially in these perilous times, we need to know nothing is comparable to God’s protection in our lives! Stay clothed and protected with His love, protection and covering! It is impenetrable. {eoa}

Josephine Marie Ayers is the president and founder of Flames of Fire Ministries Inc. Visit to learn more. She also hosts Game Changers for God on the Charisma Podcast Network.

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