Jonathan Cahn Answers the Question, ‘Are We Under God’s Judgment?’

Author Rabbi Jonathan Cahn joined me for this amazing interview, where we talked about his new book The Harbinger II: The Return.

This interview is definitely for this season, as was the first Harbinger. I read both, and they are equally fantastic.

Cahn shares the revelations God gave him for these two New York Times bestsellers. My mouth completely dropped and was opened the entire duration of the interview.

Cahn says Harbinger II took him eight years to write. He answers the questions everyone wants to know: Are we under God’s judgment? Where are we as a nation?

Cahn says, “We are in dangerous times.” He goes on to tell us that 2020 was a year of a great shaking from God. Harbinger II tells us what we must do during this time: repent.

He reveals what 9/11 and the Pentagon have to do with one another. He says, “We cannot get blessings from God and then turn away from Him.”

He says Henry Hudson discovered New York on 9/11. Cahn goes on to say, “Since 9/11, we as a nation have gotten further and further away from God. We call bad good and call good evil.”

He adds that we have been following ancient Israel.

We must repent as a nation corporately and individually. Listen to The Harbinger II with Jonathan Cahn on this episode of The Keys Against the Enemy with Dr. Gina Prince on the Charisma Podcast Network. {eoa}

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